- Lightweight pass-through mode : Gateway can be configured for sending of only SMPP originated datagramm and transactional messages and does not need to install any database.
- Message processing rules : Introduces of message processing (mproc) rules. Each rule contains a set of conditions (like destination address mask). If an incoming message fits to the conditions then rule actions will be applied to the message (like adding a prefix into a destination address or networkId changing). There is a default implementation of mproc rules which covers some cases. But users can implement their own custom set of mproc rules by implementing of java interfaces exposed by SMSC.
- Diameter rejections : When Diameter server rejects an incoming message then SMSC Gateway will send those rejects as responses back to an message originator
(for SMPP and MO originated messages). So the message originator will know if the message is accepted or not. - Fixing of GSM7 messages encoding issues : Fixed several issues of GSM7 encoding errors in case of two-septets characters (like “[” or “]”) are present or in the case when the last part of a splitted message is short.
- GSM7 encoding at SMPP part : Gateway supports now GSM7 encoding at SMPP part (in addition to UTF-8 and Unicode encoding)
- Preconfigured HLR address : There is now a possibility of using a special pre-configured HLR address instead of MSISDN for SCCP CalledPartyAddress in SRI request.
- National Language Shift Tables : SMSC Gateway now supports National Language Shift Tables which are used in encoding of GSM7 characters.
- Message restrictions for ESMEs : SMSC Gateway now supports minimal/maximal message length and rate per a second (a minute, a hour, a day) limits per ESME.
- GSM message classes : SMSC Gateway now supports dest_addr_subunit parameter at SMPP part. This parameter specifies GSM message classes.
- New license library : Switched to license library 2.2.3, which is by default off-line.
** Bug
* [SMSC-204] – Docs: Remove of mentioning of cassandra.cql from SMSC GW Intsallation Guide
* [SMSC-205] – Needed to update InSystem field for FAS mode when a message has beed invoked form a database
* [SMSC-210] – Delivery receipts for the several permanent undelivered messages contain the content of the first message
* [SMSC-214] – Improper logger spelling
* [SMSC-216] – SS7 GUI shows Service running only for jSS7 but when packaged with SMSC it always shows down
* [SMSC-217] – Double logging issue
* [SMSC-218] – Docs: adding “SCTP libraries” into “SMSC GW installation Guide”
* [SMSC-219] – Add “TelScale_SS7Stack_Release_Notes” and “TelScale_SS7Stack_Installation_Guide”
* [SMSC-222] – Too long time duration to restore of functionality after long time shutdown
* [SMSC-223] – Exception when GSM7 encoding of the short message with UDH
* [SMSC-229] – SMSC tries to store receipts into SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE_2000_01_01 table
* [SMSC-246] – Docs : Add new chapter explaining how to use TelScale-smpp-simulator tool
* [SMSC-249] – Bad processing the case when there are very many messages to the one dest
* [SMSC-250] – BIND request sent by SMSC doesn’t respect System Type parameter
* [SMSC-252] – Big message count can be stored into one due_slot
* [SMSC-253] – Reduced sending rate when very many messages to the one dest address – SMPP
* [SMSC-258] – NullPointerException when receipt creating after ValidityPeriod expiring filter
** New Feature
* [SMSC-177] – GSM7 Bit SMS with special character and length of 140 chars throws exception
* [SMSC-265] – SMSC should allow Custom MProc Rule
* [SMSC-186] – A special mode when all generated by SMSC GW messages will be routed to originated ESMEs
* [SMSC-179] – SMSC GW: lightweight pass-through mode
* [SMSC-191] – Old style home routing functionality
* [SMSC-194] – Message splitting procedure must care on GSM7 extention table characters
* [SMSC-198] – Using in CalledPartyAddress (SRI) a preconfigured HLR address instead of MSISDN
* [SMSC-199] – Docs: add description for HLR addressing of SRI messages in HR mode
* [SMSC-200] – MessageProcessing (MProc) functionality just after a message has come to SMSC GW
* [SMSC-201] – Converting of national -> international numbers for incoming SS7 messages
* [SMSC-202] – Different networkId for incoming / outgoing messages at SMPP ESME / SIP
* [SMSC-207] – PotentialVersionIncompatibility response -> switching to MAP V1 message problems
* [SMSC-209] – GUI for MapVersionCacheMBean has to be updated
* [SMSC-211] – NetworkId of originated ESME will be assigned to a delivery receipt (optional)
* [SMSC-213] – National Language Shift Table support
* [SMSC-224] – Splitting messages for specified length in SMPP-Simulator
* [SMSC-225] – Adding support for GSM7 encoding at SMPP part
* [SMSC-226] – GUI update after introducing of GSM7 style encoding at SMPP part
* [SMSC-227] – Docs: introducing of GSM7 style encoding at SMPP part
* [SMSC-228] – min-message-length / max-message-length ESME options
* [SMSC-230] – GUI: mproc and orignetworkidforreceipts
* [SMSC-231] – Docs: mproc and orignetworkidforreceipts
* [SMSC-232] – GUI: adding min-message-length / max-message-length ESME options
* [SMSC-233] – Docs: adding min-message-length / max-message-length ESME options
* [SMSC-234] – GUI: National Language Shift Table support
* [SMSC-235] – Docs: National Language Shift Table support
* [SMSC-237] – Support for dest_addr_subunit at SMPP part
* [SMSC-238] – GUI: for skip-unsent-messages command
* [SMSC-239] – Docs: “smsc skip-unsent-messages” command and a new fields in “smsc stat get”
* [SMSC-240] – Docs: update a chapter for manual’s for CDR format
* [SMSC-241] – GUI: for hrhlrumber parameter
* [SMSC-242] – Docs: for hrhlrumber parameter
* [SMSC-245] – Switching to a licence lib 2.2.3.Final
* [SMSC-247] – Response to an originator after a diameter response (MO/SMPP orig)
* [SMSC-248] – Adding SMSC-Address 2017 parameter into diameter request
* [SMSC-251] – Review SMSC Docs for Improvements
* [SMSC-256] – Docs: adding a manual chapter for smsc-diameter interconnection
* [SMSC-260] – mproc rules: checking conditions based on last updated values
* [SMSC-261] – SMSC Re-preparing already prepared query
* [SMSC-267] – Add the throttling capability in smpp-load test tool
* [SMSC-268] – Update manuals for Customized MProc Rule
** Task
* [SMSC-144] – Document and blog with examples about the different send modes – datagram, forward and store, store and forward
* [SMSC-206] – Docs: add a chapter that describes all aspects of SMSC message routing
TelScale SMSC Gateway 6.2.2.GA has been load tested and results can be seen at http://www.telestax.com/telscale-smsc-gateway-processes-1-million-sms-in-record-time/
You can download the binary version HERE