Podcast 64: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Winners Team Jazz using SignalWire

Podcast Directory The TADHack Open SignalWire Winner was the hack Jazz Health Assistant from Team Jazz, Jared Ashcraft, David Sikes, John Wilder. A groundbreaking software application designed to revolutionize diabetes management within families, especially for the elderly. This innovative tool meticulously tracks blood sugar levels, ensuring that any irregularities are promptly reported to family members. … Continue reading Podcast 64: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Winners Team Jazz using SignalWire

Podcast 63: TADSummit Innovators, Eric J Troutman, The Czar of TCPAWorld

Podcast Directory Eric is a partner at Troutman Amin LLC, Czar of TCPAWorld.com, President of ‘Responsible Enterprises Against Consumer Harassment’ (R.E.A.C.H), and one of the country’s prominent class action defense lawyers. Ever since Eric reviewed an FCC filing by Latham Watkins in response to a Rick Joyce filing, we’ve been fans. This was an excellent … Continue reading Podcast 63: TADSummit Innovators, Eric J Troutman, The Czar of TCPAWorld

Podcast 62: TADSummit Innovators, Matthew Hodgson, Matrix & Element

Podcast Directory It’s been quite some time since Matthew and I had caught up. It was great to catch up, understand the progress, and finally see how Matthew and Amandine’s vision will come to pass. That is Matrix becoming the communications protocol of the web. Element does the implementations, e.g. Element Server Suite, while Matrix … Continue reading Podcast 62: TADSummit Innovators, Matthew Hodgson, Matrix & Element

Podcast 61: Truth in Telecoms, Bird is Back : Kevin Loving Life.

Podcast Directory A busy weekend: Robert Vis continues to deliver on his plan to transform the programmable communications industry. Announcing on his TADSummit Innovator’s podcast (over 5k views) focusing on the value add for customer communications and bringing the price of SMS close to cost. Sinch did not like that, especially when Bird dropped prices … Continue reading Podcast 61: Truth in Telecoms, Bird is Back : Kevin Loving Life.

Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a summary of the CTIA meeting in DC last week. It looks like the US SMS industry has been given a chance to prove they can solve the SMS spam problem, before regulation is imposed. This information is provided from a number of sources who attended the meeting in … Continue reading Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast 57: TADSummit Innovators, Vladimir Beloborodov, Panasonic Automotive

Podcast Directory I’ve known Vladimir for over one decade. We first came in contact through his interest in WebRTC. Back in TADHack Paris 2015 Vladimir showcased his hack Thermal RTC. He linked a thermal camera to his phone using WebRTC, and showed a neat thermal image of the room. He also did a great hack … Continue reading Podcast 57: TADSummit Innovators, Vladimir Beloborodov, Panasonic Automotive

Podcast 58: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Team Avocado Intelligence from Valencia College

Podcast Directory Avocado Intelligence is an impressive first hack from Valencia College students, Anna Ugay, Anna Corrêa, Kai Nguyen, Luke Clauss, and Ruslana Sigalova. Valencia College has supported TADHack for many years, it’s great to see such as impressive hack from the Valencia College students. Anna Ugay, Anna Corrêa, and Luke Clauss are seeking internships … Continue reading Podcast 58: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Team Avocado Intelligence from Valencia College

Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

Podcast Directory vCon is the PDF for conversations, its being standardized by the IETF. It enables conversations to be stored, shared, and used in AI training; all in compliance with local and industry regulations. Thomas, the CTO of STROLID and sponsor of TADHack Open, was in Melbourne Australia for an IETF meeting before TADHack. Flying … Continue reading Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

Podcast 55: TADSummit Innovators, Lonely Bot, Mike Cairns

Podcast Directory Lonely Bot by Mike Cairns powered by SignalWire. Utilize AI and LLM’s with SignalWire’s technology to curb loneliness. Have a trusted friend to talk with, and automatically reach out to family when Lonely Bot notices you need a human touch. Mike is a TADHack regular here are some other his other hacks over the … Continue reading Podcast 55: TADSummit Innovators, Lonely Bot, Mike Cairns

Podcast 54: TADSummit Innovators, Moodsense, Pam and Rob

Podcast Directory Here is the TADHack pitch video for moodsense by Pam Mishaw and Rob Parham powered by SignalWire. Here’s the webpage for their app. I’m not supposed to express favorites, but all families have relatives that struggle with mental health. This AI therapist combines journaling with mood tracking. There is nothing do download, no apps to open, simply send a text … Continue reading Podcast 54: TADSummit Innovators, Moodsense, Pam and Rob