Tag Archives: TADHack Open

Podcast 64: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Winners Team Jazz using SignalWire

Podcast Directory The TADHack Open SignalWire Winner was the hack Jazz Health Assistant from Team Jazz, Jared Ashcraft, David Sikes, John Wilder. A groundbreaking software application designed to revolutionize diabetes management within families, especially for the elderly. This innovative tool meticulously tracks blood sugar levels, ensuring that any irregularities are promptly reported to family members. … Continue reading Podcast 64: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Winners Team Jazz using SignalWire

Podcast 58: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Team Avocado Intelligence from Valencia College

Podcast Directory Avocado Intelligence is an impressive first hack from Valencia College students, Anna Ugay, Anna Corrêa, Kai Nguyen, Luke Clauss, and Ruslana Sigalova. Valencia College has supported TADHack for many years, it’s great to see such as impressive hack from the Valencia College students. Anna Ugay, Anna Corrêa, and Luke Clauss are seeking internships … Continue reading Podcast 58: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Team Avocado Intelligence from Valencia College

Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

Podcast Directory vCon is the PDF for conversations, its being standardized by the IETF. It enables conversations to be stored, shared, and used in AI training; all in compliance with local and industry regulations. Thomas, the CTO of STROLID and sponsor of TADHack Open, was in Melbourne Australia for an IETF meeting before TADHack. Flying … Continue reading Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

Podcast 54: TADSummit Innovators, Moodsense, Pam and Rob

Podcast Directory Here is the TADHack pitch video for moodsense by Pam Mishaw and Rob Parham powered by SignalWire. Here’s the webpage for their app. I’m not supposed to express favorites, but all families have relatives that struggle with mental health. This AI therapist combines journaling with mood tracking. There is nothing do download, no apps to open, simply send a text … Continue reading Podcast 54: TADSummit Innovators, Moodsense, Pam and Rob

Podcast 33: Truth in Telecoms, Before Bird / After Bird (BB/AB)

Podcast Directory Before Bird was a time when the A2P SMS industry was comfortable in scamming / overchargin enterprises, innovators and consumers. Then came a time AB (After Bird) when Bird shone the light of truth on the dirty tricks being played. Check out Podcast 30: Truth in Telecoms: Flipping the Bird with Robert Vis … Continue reading Podcast 33: Truth in Telecoms, Before Bird / After Bird (BB/AB)

Podcast 32: TADSummit Innovators, Anthony Minessale, SignalWire and FreeSWITCH

Podcast Directory We had ‘CPaaS is done’ from Robert Vis on Podcast 30. And we now have CPast from Anthony on Podcast 32. Anthony also positioned their platform as Programmable Unified Communications, more on that later. If you’re still using CPaaS after both of these leaders in the industry dismissed it, you’re most definitely legacy. … Continue reading Podcast 32: TADSummit Innovators, Anthony Minessale, SignalWire and FreeSWITCH

Podcast 25: Truth in Telecoms, Moez Kassam Saved Twilio

Podcast Directory Important Links Please add to this FCC Express Comments on how you and your family and business have suffered from robocalling and robotexting. We all have a duty to help the FCC and Congress understand this remains a significant problem in the US. Here is Mike Rudolph, CTO of YouMail’s request to do … Continue reading Podcast 25: Truth in Telecoms, Moez Kassam Saved Twilio