Tag Archives: IETF

TADSummit 2024 Agenda

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. The audience includes CxOs from many of the programmable communication companies, open source leaders, and telcos. It’s a strategy, technology, and reality focused event with no BS. Check out the preview for TADSummit 2024 here https://alanquayle.com/2024/05/tadsummit-tadhack-global-2024/ (10 minute read). You’ll hear … Continue reading TADSummit 2024 Agenda

Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

Podcast Directory vCon is the PDF for conversations, its being standardized by the IETF. It enables conversations to be stored, shared, and used in AI training; all in compliance with local and industry regulations. Thomas, the CTO of STROLID and sponsor of TADHack Open, was in Melbourne Australia for an IETF meeting before TADHack. Flying … Continue reading Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

Johnny introduces why these predictions matter and are worth your time. He also gives a preview of the next Truth in Telecoms planned for Monday 18th Dec. Lots of activity from the FCC further stifling legal A2P SMS, Twilio’s arming up to fight the activist investors, and lots more.. I don’t normally do predictions as … Continue reading Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

Status of WebRTC across Asia

Status of WebRTC across Asia by Alan Quayle, with the help of experts contributing to the reality, not the hype, of WebRTC. It’s 2020, WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications) became known in 2011 when Google open sourced intellectual property it had bought in previous years. Gossip about those acquisitions began in 2009. The IETF (Internet Engineering Task … Continue reading Status of WebRTC across Asia