Podcast 76: Truth in AI, Consig AI, RJ Burnham

Podcast Directory RJ Burnham is the founder / CEO of Consig AI. I’ve known RJ since his time with Voxeo, which spun out Tropo, a competitor to Twilio, that was sold to Cisco. I really like how RJ positions his experience, he’s been working in voice AI for over 25 years. AI being the latest … Continue reading Podcast 76: Truth in AI, Consig AI, RJ Burnham

Podcast 74: TADSummit Innovators, Programmable Communications in the Automotive Industry.

Podcast Directory This week has been STROLID week. We kicked off with Podcast 73: Truth in AI, Strolid, Inc., Papa in a Box, an authentic discussion on the role of AI and vCon in automotive sales; and we finished with Podcast 74: Programmable Communications in the Automotive Industry (this weblog), were again vCon plays an important role. … Continue reading Podcast 74: TADSummit Innovators, Programmable Communications in the Automotive Industry.

Podcast 73: Truth in AI, Strolid, Papa in a Box

Podcast Directory We start with news that Ken Heron is now the CMO of Strolid. Ken has been part of TADSummit for many years, sharing innovations in chatbots, conversation intelligence, and AI. Similarly, Strolid has sponsored TADHack and TADSummit over the years. I’m really proud Ken has joined the Strolid tribe. They’re going to redefine … Continue reading Podcast 73: Truth in AI, Strolid, Papa in a Box

Podcast 72: TADSummit Innovators, Fabrizio Salanitri, Horisen

Podcast Directory Fabrizio Salanitri is the CEO of Horisen (pronounced horizon). Horisen is a pure product house, they develop state-of-the-art messaging solutions, delivered hosted or on-premise. This is a fun discussion that shines a light on a shift happening in the messaging ecosystem, led by Horisen. An example situation, a carrier agrees a gateway or … Continue reading Podcast 72: TADSummit Innovators, Fabrizio Salanitri, Horisen