Tag Archives: LLM

Podcast 73: Truth in AI, Strolid, Papa in a Box

Podcast Directory We start with news that Ken Heron is now the CMO of Strolid. Ken has been part of TADSummit for many years, sharing innovations in chatbots, conversation intelligence, and AI. Similarly, Strolid has sponsored TADHack and TADSummit over the years. I’m really proud Ken has joined the Strolid tribe. They’re going to redefine … Continue reading Podcast 73: Truth in AI, Strolid, Papa in a Box

Podcast 36: TADSummit Innovators, Rob Pickering

Podcast Directory Rob Pickering is a Internet and Real Time Communication Software Expert, Innovator, Advisor, Investor. For me, he’s a touchstone on when a technology has moved beyond hype into having meaningful deployable applications. What Rob has to say around chatbots matters to me more than most of the vendors and analysts. Rob reviewed his … Continue reading Podcast 36: TADSummit Innovators, Rob Pickering

Podcast 34: TADSummit Innovators, Pieter Luitjens, PrivateAI

Podcast Directory Pieter Luitjens, is the co-Founder and CTO at Private AI. He took part in the TADSummit panel session, AI and Video applications, here’s the Video of the panel. As I got to understand PrivateAI I realized the importance of what they do, all the conversations recorded across programmable communications are now fed into LLMs … Continue reading Podcast 34: TADSummit Innovators, Pieter Luitjens, PrivateAI

Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

Johnny introduces why these predictions matter and are worth your time. He also gives a preview of the next Truth in Telecoms planned for Monday 18th Dec. Lots of activity from the FCC further stifling legal A2P SMS, Twilio’s arming up to fight the activist investors, and lots more.. I don’t normally do predictions as … Continue reading Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

TADSummit 2023: Enterprise and LLMs

Programmable communications / telecoms puts the enterprise in control, we’ve seen rapid innovations over the past year. At TADSummit 2022 Karel pointed out the transformer model has changed game in LLMs, and he was proven correct through this year. BUT listening to the marketing hype is dangerous, the no BS policy ensures you avoid mistakes … Continue reading TADSummit 2023: Enterprise and LLMs