Tag Archives: GDPR

The 20+ year Governance and Certification Gap in A2P SMS When is it Going to End? Daniel Gill, Augnet

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. We deliver the truth, no BS. Truth you can build your business on. We’re able to do that because many of our presenters are small and medium businesses. If they are wrong, their business ceases to exist. I’ve noticed a movement in … Continue reading The 20+ year Governance and Certification Gap in A2P SMS When is it Going to End? Daniel Gill, Augnet

Podcast 94: Truth in Telecoms, What to do about AIT, Kevin Graham and Daniel Gill

Podcast Directory In Podcast 93 we reviewed AIT (Artificially Inflated Traffic) from an independent perspective. Feedback was complementary on the openness, depth, breadth, and forward looking discussion on the threat that is AIT to the whole ecosystem. We reviewed the ecosystem, the responsibilities, what can and can not be done to enable compliance. A common … Continue reading Podcast 94: Truth in Telecoms, What to do about AIT, Kevin Graham and Daniel Gill

Keynote Review TADSummit 2022

Running the event on a tight budget means I’m often dealing with logistics during the event. This year Youtube streaming in Portugal was problematic, the event location had 200 Mbit/s bidirectional, I think it was the local ISP messing with the stream. Anyway, these reviews are in part for me to give all the excellent … Continue reading Keynote Review TADSummit 2022