Tag Archives: rcs

TADSummit 2024 Agenda

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. The audience includes CxOs from many of the programmable communication companies, open source leaders, and telcos. It’s a strategy, technology, and reality focused event with no BS. Check out the preview for TADSummit 2024 here https://alanquayle.com/2024/05/tadsummit-tadhack-global-2024/ (10 minute read). You’ll hear … Continue reading TADSummit 2024 Agenda

Podcast 77: Truth in Telecoms, The Real John Wick

Podcast Directory Johnny was busy posting on Linkedin over the weekend on the roaming issue experienced by the US carriers, here are a few examples, post 1, post 2, post 3. The roaming problem ran from June 26th to June 29th. On June 27th the US experienced its busiest travel day in 15 years, with … Continue reading Podcast 77: Truth in Telecoms, The Real John Wick

Podcast 71: Truth in Telecoms, Johnny Loves The New MEF and #GMoney

Podcast Directory This one made me laugh. Johnny now loves the new MEF under Robert Gerstmann (#GMoney) as they appear to be distancing themselves from The Campaign Registry. Because recent MEF events appear to have avoided mentioning TCR. However, for me, MEF are still telling their members to ignore and not engage with our detailed … Continue reading Podcast 71: Truth in Telecoms, Johnny Loves The New MEF and #GMoney

Podcast 23: TADSummit Innovators, Mark Hay, Melrose Labs

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a quick review from Johnny on what’s coming on Friday’s Truth in Telecoms podcast. Yesterday we did a Truth in Telecoms Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent. Bottom-line, what happened to Jeff is wrong. What’s going to happen to Twilio is unacceptable to everyone in the industry. There needs to … Continue reading Podcast 23: TADSummit Innovators, Mark Hay, Melrose Labs

Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

Johnny introduces why these predictions matter and are worth your time. He also gives a preview of the next Truth in Telecoms planned for Monday 18th Dec. Lots of activity from the FCC further stifling legal A2P SMS, Twilio’s arming up to fight the activist investors, and lots more.. I don’t normally do predictions as … Continue reading Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

TADSummit 2023: Enterprise and LLMs

Programmable communications / telecoms puts the enterprise in control, we’ve seen rapid innovations over the past year. At TADSummit 2022 Karel pointed out the transformer model has changed game in LLMs, and he was proven correct through this year. BUT listening to the marketing hype is dangerous, the no BS policy ensures you avoid mistakes … Continue reading TADSummit 2023: Enterprise and LLMs

A Slice of TADSummit: Customer Experience

In this series of weblogs, A Slice of TADSummit, we review some of the important themes from TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020. This slice focuses on Customer Experience. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. Marlon Bowser, CEO, HTK (data-driven CX & loyalty) Marlon has been CEO of HTK for over 24 years. Before … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Customer Experience

Innovator Interview: Daniel-Constantin Mierla, Kamailio, Asipto

Daniel-Constantin Mierla, co-founder and core developer of the Kamailio SIP Server, co-organizer of Kamailio World, and world-renowned consultant in SIP, VoIP and WebRTC at Asipto. This was a fun review of the state of play across RTC (Real Time Communications). There’s still much work to do on open source education, and making the projects accessible … Continue reading Innovator Interview: Daniel-Constantin Mierla, Kamailio, Asipto

Innovator Interview: Marlon Bowser, CEO, HTK (data-driven CX & loyalty)

Marlon Bowser, CEO, HTK (data-driven CX & loyalty) The background to the interview is described below the video embed. I found the interview refreshing and insightful, it provides some great quotes such as: “Context is more important than channel.” The contextual relevance of voice, SMS, email or web chat as channels will remain for years to … Continue reading Innovator Interview: Marlon Bowser, CEO, HTK (data-driven CX & loyalty)

The Future of Conversational Messaging Isn’t Social, It’s Digital, Paul Sweeney

The Future of Conversational Messaging Isn’t Social, It’s Digital – Access, Control, and the Power of Permissions; Paul Sweeney, EVP Product at Webio. It’s great Paul is back to share his insights on conversational messaging. For all businesses looking at WhatsApp as a communications channel, Paul highlights the importance of joined-up thinking around the customer … Continue reading The Future of Conversational Messaging Isn’t Social, It’s Digital, Paul Sweeney