Tag Archives: KYC

TADSummit 2024 Agenda

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. The audience includes CxOs from many of the programmable communication companies, open source leaders, and telcos. It’s a strategy, technology, and reality focused event with no BS. Check out the preview for TADSummit 2024 here https://alanquayle.com/2024/05/tadsummit-tadhack-global-2024/ (10 minute read). You’ll hear … Continue reading TADSummit 2024 Agenda

Podcast 40: TADSummit Innovators, Mark Harvey, SEKURA.id

Podcast Directory Sekura provides real-time mobile authentication, verification and fraud prevention from mobile operators to global banks, fintechs, crypto and consumer brands. Their focus is mobile identity and achieving the broadest coverage across 75 carriers and 2.5 billion mobile phone customers. They focus on the connection to carriers using Mobile Connect and all the variations … Continue reading Podcast 40: TADSummit Innovators, Mark Harvey, SEKURA.id

Podcast 29: TADSummit Innovators, Noah Rafalko, TNID

Podcast Directory Firstly, thank you Noah Rafalko of TNID, for creating the video we shared in Podcast 27: Truth in Telecoms, Taking Back Control & Save Grandma – The Fight Against SMS Spam and Robocalls! And for making the time to take part in this episode of TADSummit Innovators. The video is a call to action for everyone to … Continue reading Podcast 29: TADSummit Innovators, Noah Rafalko, TNID

Podcast 20: TADSummit Innovators, Gerry Christensen, Caller ID Reputation

Podcast Directory Gerry Christensen and I have known each other for about 2 decades, since his Mind Commerce days. He’s supported TADSummit over the years and provides excellent, insightful, and highly relevant presentations: The focus of our discussion was robocalling. We discussed how STIR/SHAKEN was not implemented on the PSTN gateways, only the VoIP gateways … Continue reading Podcast 20: TADSummit Innovators, Gerry Christensen, Caller ID Reputation

Telcos and Programmable Communications Review

These TADSummit 2022 reviews are a chance to give all the excellent content deserved attention and add my commentary on its importance. In this article I cover the presentations focused on Telcos and Programmable Communications. Here are the links to the review of the Keynotes, to my presentation What Happened Since we Last Met?, and … Continue reading Telcos and Programmable Communications Review