Tag Archives: TCR

Podcast 93: Truth in Telecoms, AIT, Kevin Graham and Daniel Gill

Podcast Directory Johnny opened on the TCR sale, how the minimum bid to get into the data room is $300M. The other news item is Infobip becoming a D2C (Direct to Carrier) aggregator in the US, as T-Mobile replaced Syniverse with Infobip. I covered how in August I had 13 days with no SMS spam … Continue reading Podcast 93: Truth in Telecoms, AIT, Kevin Graham and Daniel Gill

Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Podcast Directory This is a useful review of where we are across: The video contains so much more than I can write. Johnny does a good job reviewing the story so far. I provide below a sample of some of the points covered, but you know Johnny! Fun with The Vis: Check out the 45 … Continue reading Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Podcast 91: Truth in Telecoms, Robert Vis and vCon Vinnie

Podcast Directory In this podcast we review some of Robert Vis’ insights from the podcast we did last week, and introduce ‘vCon Vinne’. We kick off with how Johnny was beaten up with patents after The Vis stated, Patents are for the weak. He looks in a bad way. Johnny has a new nickname for … Continue reading Podcast 91: Truth in Telecoms, Robert Vis and vCon Vinnie

Podcast 88: Truth in Telecoms, The Vis Part 2

Podcast Directory Part 2 starts with a review of the US market, how Twilio was paid to send and receive SMS, and was only charged a small fee by the carriers. However, the carriers saw the charges Twilio was making to its customers, and used TCR (The Campaign Registry) to raise pricing to 0.5/1c per … Continue reading Podcast 88: Truth in Telecoms, The Vis Part 2

Podcast 86: Truth in Telecoms, Kaleyra and Sarbanes Oxley

In August 2023 I wrote, Understanding TCR and Kaleyra Part 2. I mentioned the case Pulzone v. Kaleyra, Inc. It’s just settled. What’s interesting is the settlement of a 3 year old case was reached within 24 hours of Bill Peters meeting with the plaintiff’s lawyers as a witness against Kaleyra. Draw what inference you … Continue reading Podcast 86: Truth in Telecoms, Kaleyra and Sarbanes Oxley

TADSummit 2024 Agenda

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. The audience includes CxOs from many of the programmable communication companies, open source leaders, and telcos. It’s a strategy, technology, and reality focused event with no BS. Check out the preview for TADSummit 2024 here https://alanquayle.com/2024/05/tadsummit-tadhack-global-2024/ (10 minute read). You’ll hear … Continue reading TADSummit 2024 Agenda

Podcast 71: Truth in Telecoms, Johnny Loves The New MEF and #GMoney

Podcast Directory This one made me laugh. Johnny now loves the new MEF under Robert Gerstmann (#GMoney) as they appear to be distancing themselves from The Campaign Registry. Because recent MEF events appear to have avoided mentioning TCR. However, for me, MEF are still telling their members to ignore and not engage with our detailed … Continue reading Podcast 71: Truth in Telecoms, Johnny Loves The New MEF and #GMoney

Podcast 67: Truth in Telecoms, MEF Member Wrestling

Podcast Directory After the success of Podcast 65 across the summary and deep dive videos about TNID, we currently have a total of 1724 views after only a couple of days since publishing. Johnny lured Noah back for a head to head verbal wrestling match on how we can solve the spam SMS problem. Noah … Continue reading Podcast 67: Truth in Telecoms, MEF Member Wrestling

Podcast 63: TADSummit Innovators, Eric J Troutman, The Czar of TCPAWorld

Podcast Directory Eric is a partner at Troutman Amin LLC, Czar of TCPAWorld.com, President of ‘Responsible Enterprises Against Consumer Harassment’ (R.E.A.C.H), and one of the country’s prominent class action defense lawyers. Ever since Eric reviewed an FCC filing by Latham Watkins in response to a Rick Joyce filing, we’ve been fans. This was an excellent … Continue reading Podcast 63: TADSummit Innovators, Eric J Troutman, The Czar of TCPAWorld

Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean

Podcast Directory Johnny promised to be focused on this podcast, no running around. The movie he referred to is ‘The In-Laws‘, here’s the video of the scene with ‘serpentine’, that is running around to avoid being shot. The focus for this podcast is Twilio and the GTC Report on TCR. The CTIA / FCC / … Continue reading Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean