Tag Archives: zipwhip

Podcast 71: Truth in Telecoms, Johnny Loves The New MEF and #GMoney

Podcast Directory This one made me laugh. Johnny now loves the new MEF under Robert Gerstmann (#GMoney) as they appear to be distancing themselves from The Campaign Registry. Because recent MEF events appear to have avoided mentioning TCR. However, for me, MEF are still telling their members to ignore and not engage with our detailed … Continue reading Podcast 71: Truth in Telecoms, Johnny Loves The New MEF and #GMoney

Podcast 22: Truth in Telecoms, Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent!

Podcast Directory Yesterday was a dark day for the programmable communications industry. Jeff Lawson was removed as CEO and not even given the role as chairman. How could the current Twilio board let this happen? This act is both shocking and shameful. The board are the ones that need to be fired. The company he … Continue reading Podcast 22: Truth in Telecoms, Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent!

Welcome & What Happened? Review

These TADSummit 2022 reviews are a chance to give all the excellent content deserved attention and add my commentary on its importance. I cover only my ‘Welcome and What happened since we last met? Where is the Programmable Comms market going?’ presentation as the article ended up being quite long and a bit soapboxy (warning … Continue reading Welcome & What Happened? Review