Tag Archives: Skype

TADSummit 2024 Agenda

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. The audience includes CxOs from many of the programmable communication companies, open source leaders, and telcos. It’s a strategy, technology, and reality focused event with no BS. Check out the preview for TADSummit 2024 here https://alanquayle.com/2024/05/tadsummit-tadhack-global-2024/ (10 minute read). You’ll hear … Continue reading TADSummit 2024 Agenda

Podcast 49: TADSummit Innovators, Dan Jenkins, WebRTC and more

Podcast Directory Dan is a man of many hats: Nimble Ape, CommCon (London 5-6 June and San Francisco 12-13 June), and Everycast (Broadcast Bridge). His focus is the merging of RTC (Real Time Communications) and Media (video streaming). We had an interesting discussion on the emergence of Media over QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections). While … Continue reading Podcast 49: TADSummit Innovators, Dan Jenkins, WebRTC and more

A Slice of TADSummit: Fraud and Security

In this series of weblogs, A Slice of TADSummit, we review some of the important themes from TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020. This slice focuses on Fraud and Security. This segment is a little broader as identity is an important element that enhances customers’ experiences. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. Security and … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Fraud and Security

That’s a wrap for TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020

Phew! TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020 ended up with a jam-packed agenda. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. There are 62 videos, the most generated for any TADSummit over its 8 year history. Through the month we had over 3000 views on Youtube, with several videos watched over 100 times already. And we … Continue reading That’s a wrap for TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020

Summary of TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 4 (23-26th Nov)

This weblog summarises the presentations given during TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 4. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. We’re seeing 100-120 views per day on the TADSummit YouTube Channel. Slideshare is showing 350-400 views per day with the occasional 650 views, and about 100 users per day at the TADSummit … Continue reading Summary of TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 4 (23-26th Nov)

Libon Pre-Event Workshop on 16th Nov

Libon is an IP communications service available to everyone in 100 countries worldwide that has a history of delivering compelling features, such as: Personalized visual voicemail (2012) Calling from Libon to Libon and Libon to traditional networks (2013) Text and voice messaging, media sharing and in-app purchase of Talk plans (2014) Reach Me (VoWifi) (2015) … Continue reading Libon Pre-Event Workshop on 16th Nov

Telecom Application Developer Manifesto Released for Public Comment

The sponsors of the Telecom Application Developer Summit made a press release today, copied in this weblog, on a Manifesto to solve the Telecom Industry’s innovation gap. Austin TX, Cambridge UK, Colombo Sri Lanka, Paris France, San Francisco CA, 1st October 2013 – Apidaze, hSenid Mobile, OnMobile, OpenCloud, Telestax, and Tropo Inc., the companies leading … Continue reading Telecom Application Developer Manifesto Released for Public Comment