Tag Archives: 10DLC

TADSummit 2024 Agenda

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. The audience includes CxOs from many of the programmable communication companies, open source leaders, and telcos. It’s a strategy, technology, and reality focused event with no BS. Check out the preview for TADSummit 2024 here https://alanquayle.com/2024/05/tadsummit-tadhack-global-2024/ (10 minute read). You’ll hear … Continue reading TADSummit 2024 Agenda

Podcast 67: Truth in Telecoms, MEF Member Wrestling

Podcast Directory After the success of Podcast 65 across the summary and deep dive videos about TNID, we currently have a total of 1724 views after only a couple of days since publishing. Johnny lured Noah back for a head to head verbal wrestling match on how we can solve the spam SMS problem. Noah … Continue reading Podcast 67: Truth in Telecoms, MEF Member Wrestling

TADSummit Commio Special Podcast

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators Today we have a Commio Special podcast with Tim McLain. The 10DLC market is changing rapidly. News released today,: on November 8, 2023, all unverified toll-free phone numbers being used for text messaging will require registration. If everything works that means an more unregistered SMS period. I’m really hoping we see … Continue reading TADSummit Commio Special Podcast