Tag Archives: china

Podcast 99: TADSummit Innovators, Bohdan Hopanchuk, Ethical Hacker, Made in the UA. Part 1.

Podcast Directory Bohdan Hopanchuk is an ethical hacker, based in Kyiv, Ukraine. That’s the reason he’s in a darkened room, at night they black out. Like the UK did during World War II. We were prepared to pause recording if the air raid siren went off, fortunately it did not. Bohdan is a fan of … Continue reading Podcast 99: TADSummit Innovators, Bohdan Hopanchuk, Ethical Hacker, Made in the UA. Part 1.

Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean

Podcast Directory Johnny promised to be focused on this podcast, no running around. The movie he referred to is ‘The In-Laws‘, here’s the video of the scene with ‘serpentine’, that is running around to avoid being shot. The focus for this podcast is Twilio and the GTC Report on TCR. The CTIA / FCC / … Continue reading Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean

Getting started with data visualization. Seeing patterns in telecom data.

Getting started with data visualization. Seeing patterns in telecom data by David Curran, Machine Learning Engineer. You can email Dave directly if you have questions or in the comments section of this weblog. I first came across Dave through 2 different routes, I was introduced to him by Paul Sweeney as a possible speaker for … Continue reading Getting started with data visualization. Seeing patterns in telecom data.