Tag Archives: Amazon Alexa

Podcast 57: TADSummit Innovators, Vladimir Beloborodov, Panasonic Automotive

Podcast Directory I’ve known Vladimir for over one decade. We first came in contact through his interest in WebRTC. Back in TADHack Paris 2015 Vladimir showcased his hack Thermal RTC. He linked a thermal camera to his phone using WebRTC, and showed a neat thermal image of the room. He also did a great hack … Continue reading Podcast 57: TADSummit Innovators, Vladimir Beloborodov, Panasonic Automotive

TADSummit 2023: Enterprise and LLMs

Programmable communications / telecoms puts the enterprise in control, we’ve seen rapid innovations over the past year. At TADSummit 2022 Karel pointed out the transformer model has changed game in LLMs, and he was proven correct through this year. BUT listening to the marketing hype is dangerous, the no BS policy ensures you avoid mistakes … Continue reading TADSummit 2023: Enterprise and LLMs