Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

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vCon is the PDF for conversations, its being standardized by the IETF. It enables conversations to be stored, shared, and used in AI training; all in compliance with local and industry regulations.

Thomas, the CTO of STROLID and sponsor of TADHack Open, was in Melbourne Australia for an IETF meeting before TADHack. Flying back over most of TADHack, arriving into Boston on Sunday morning, called me and asked, “Alan, what do you need me to do?”

The first response was get some sleep! The next was be on the TADHack live stream at around 2PM to see the hacks built with vCon. Suraj, Nagasai, Divya, and Akshata built this hack using principally the Hack-a-VCON documentation, that’s it. They delivered on the challenge and much more with a fully functional product that generates a vCon and redacts all PII (Personal Identifiable Information). Here’s their pitch video from the event.

The team are all looking for internships, please contact them using Linkedin. They’re happy for any technology focused internship, if your business is looking at vCon, you’ll not find better people 🙂 Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.

The team reviews their hack and gives an demonstration of an audio conversation having PII identified and then redacted. Their pitch video includes the audio. We discuss some of the features of their product in enabling the redaction to be customized to the specific enterprise’s needs. Thomas then gives a real world example on how customer feedback can be made safer to share around an organization. He particularly likes how they customized the vCon to their specific needs.

2 thoughts on “Podcast 56: TADSummit Innovators, Garuda, Suraj Shivakumar, Nagasai Saikam, Divya Sakhare, Akshata Salunkhe.”

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