Podcast 64: TADSummit Innovators, TADHack Winners Team Jazz using SignalWire

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The TADHack Open SignalWire Winner was the hack Jazz Health Assistant from Team Jazz, Jared Ashcraft, David Sikes, John Wilder.

A groundbreaking software application designed to revolutionize diabetes management within families, especially for the elderly. This innovative tool meticulously tracks blood sugar levels, ensuring that any irregularities are promptly reported to family members.

By providing real-time, actionable insights, the application empowers families to proactively manage their loved one’s diabetes with greater precision and understanding. The enhanced visibility and control over health data this tool offers, facilitates a more informed and compassionate caregiving experience, ultimately improving the quality of life for elderly diabetic patients. Yes, they did use ChatGPT for this summary.

Like many of the best hacks, the idea came from a real world problem. John Wilder’s mom shared with Team Jazz her experiences as a nurse with diabetes management. Especially on the importance of regular and real-time monitoring of patients.

The team got up and running within one hour, the fastest they’d achieve throughout their years with TADHack. Brian from SignalWire was able to share a docker image for one of the SWAIG (SignalWire AI Gateway) examples, and from there they fleshed out the hack.

The discussion led by Johnny focused on how to bring this to market. With one of Jared and David’s hacks from 2021, Telepaper built on Avaya, we also had a similar discussion.

Telepaper augments the distance learning and collaboration experience by allowing users to seamlessly write notes to each other in real time with tablet and stylus. Each user would have a tablet, and the notes would appear between tablets in real time. Since the tablets are separate devices, no screen sharing would be necessary, and the face-to-face aspect of communication would not be lost.

Previous hacks that came to market, like Voxist, have relied upon the founding team to push on all sources of funding and support. We’re thinking about how to help the teams, or their idea, make this leap more systematically, as SignalWire continues to support the teams after the hackathon.

At the end of this session Johnny and Brian decided to set up a Truth in AI session, coming later this week. Given the scale of misrepresentation in AI today.

And some breaking news, one of team Garuda has received an internship offer. Integrating vCon into a product. More details once everything is signed. Thank you to the TADS community for your support of helping bring new blood into the ecosystem.

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