Radisys Keynote: Gamifying the User’s Journey, Adnan Saleem

Gamifying the User’s Journey and the CSPs Service Offering, Adnan Saleem, CTO Software and Cloud Solutions.

This is a great presentation, demo and Q&A, all within 23 mins, well done Adnan!
Telecom operators and numerous industry verticals lack creative engagement with their digital-savvy customer base. The next-generation AI-based applications can enable operators to offer personalized experiences while driving new monetization opportunities. Gamification of user interactions in various applications can be done by ‘rewarding’ users for taking desired actions and active participation, and delivering relevant content and offers within immersive experiences are some of the unique ways to engage the users and monetize the contextual interactions.

However, balancing the cost of delivering dynamically personalized services, enhancing customer experience through immersive digital engagements, and optimizing business productivity remains a crucial challenge for businesses, application developers, service providers, and system integrators. The business growth will come by integrating the right mix of technologies such as 5G, IoT, cloud edge computing, speech analytics, augmented reality, computer vision, conversational artificial intelligence, and machine learning; and an integrated ecosystem that includes partner on-boarding, logistics, promotional inventory management and behavioral analytics.
Radisys has recently collaborated with the TM Forum to deliver a project, called ‘Ready Telco One’ (led by Orange Group, Orange Poland, KDDI, and solution vendors) that demonstrates how telecom operators can gamify user journeys in various applications in health and fitness, live events, education and learning, entertainment and marketing campaigns to name a few. This presentation will focus on how Radisys was able to streamline live AR/VR multimedia interactions with a robust media server platform (User Interaction Delivery Engine) for hyper-personalized, real-time customer engagement.

Slideshare is having difficulties today, here’s a direct link to Adnan’s slides.

2 thoughts on “Radisys Keynote: Gamifying the User’s Journey, Adnan Saleem”

  1. Hi Adnan, thanks again for a great presentation, demo and Q&A. Following on with a few more questions:

    AQ1) Across the partner ecosystem how is customer data shared, as well as compliance to GDPR? (Hint: Miles Cheetham’s presentation on open data…energy…telecoms has one approach, https://blog.tadsummit.com/2020/11/04/open-bankingenergytelecom-miles-cheetham/)

    AQ2) The videobot shown in your presentation, based on the Engage Media Server, is deployed quite widely. What use cases are best suited to videobots?

  2. Good questions Alan, brief response and further thoughts …

    AQ1) Although personalization and mass-personalization aspects require some form of user opt-in or consent and GDPR compliance requirements, however if many cases the personalization can be achieved in-dialog or during the interaction with the user. For example, user may be asked by a virtual assistant … “if you liked that, then you’ll really want to see this promotion, would to like to hear more about that ?” … types of insights can be garnered through real time interactions and intents as shown in the demo during the presentation. Sharing of user interests and preferences with a limited set of partner eco system through data sharing chains can be achieved in different ways based on specific marketing campaigns or other more sensitive user data under GDPR compliance.

    AQ2) Video bots are enabling a much more richer user experience that the typical web chat text bots we see which usually do not provide a good user experience and engagement. Full speech with natural language understanding combined with real-time video responses result in a more natural human interaction with a virtual assistant. There are many types of applications and verticals well suited for this type of immersive experience rather than a basic chat/text bot, for example in the healthcare, entertainment, education, product support assistants, product marketing campaigns, etc. These use cases with live interactive video responses would provide a much richer and meaningful experience to the user via speech and video enabled bots with the ability to transfer to live agent for further assistance if indicated by the user.

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