Improving the Experience of Realizing CXTech Use Cases by Marten Schoenherr

Improving the Experience of Realizing CXTech Use Cases by Marten Schoenherr, CEO/Founder at Automat Berlin GmbH

Marten works with many providers across the CPaaS landscape. From communication service providers, through CPaaS challengers and the CPaaS Leaders.

He has a nice model for describing the spectrum of providers, from the CSPs providing the raw materials, through the challenger CPaaS gold-plating the raw materials, through to the leaders adding the fairy dust. This presentation closely follows the discussion of Sebastian Schumann’s presentation.

Some of the fairy dust included visual tools, workflow, focus on business solutions, global focus, integrations, and ‘almost services’ like Twilio Flex enabling its channels to deliver customized call center solutions.

Across the CPaaS landscape Marten highlights the volume / value dilemma. While CSPs focus on volume, the leading CPaaS focus on value. Making it as easy as possible to build upon their APIs. But consuming party needs change and also the CPaaS provider can become competitive, e.g. when Twilio started competing with its CCaaS customers with Flex.

So Marten sets out a 3 step plan for telcos so deliver on customers’ needs:

Step 1, take advantage of open source to build out the CPaaS Enabler layer. There are lots of options, and we’ll be hearing from drachtio at TADSummit Asia.

Step 2, Aggregate across APIs to meet a broader set of needs, stop CPaaS consumers getting locked in.

Step 3, A Universal API. Allowing the consuming part to choose services, quality, coverage, features based on their needs, with no lock-in.

Steps 2 and 3 are interesting. It’s a founding principle of telcos, service interoperability. Could this founding principle, coupled with the use of open source, enable telcos to go head to head with the leaders in CPaaS?

We’ll be discussing this in the Universal Telecom API panel discussion.

You can contact Marten here.