Tag Archives: Judge Colleen McMahon

Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Podcast Directory This is a useful review of where we are across: The video contains so much more than I can write. Johnny does a good job reviewing the story so far. I provide below a sample of some of the points covered, but you know Johnny! Fun with The Vis: Check out the 45 … Continue reading Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Kaleyra and Sarbanes Oxley

In August 2023 I wrote, Understanding TCR and Kaleyra Part 2. I mentioned the case Pulzone v. Kaleyra, Inc. It’s just settled. What’s interesting is the settlement of a 3 year old case was reached within 24 hours of Bill Peters meeting with the plaintiff’s lawyers as a witness against Kaleyra. Draw what inference you … Continue reading Kaleyra and Sarbanes Oxley