Tag Archives: TADSummit Innovators

Podcast 13: Truth in Telecoms, Dirty Cop Suckers

Podcast Directory Lots of news this week. The big one is Silvio Kutic (CEO of Infobip) joining the SMS spam discussion with “Text spamming is out of control. Here’s how to stop it.” Johnny discovered his favorite word of the day, bippers, the collective noun of Infobip employee. Twilio has another infection of activist shareholders, … Continue reading Podcast 13: Truth in Telecoms, Dirty Cop Suckers

TADSummit Podcast Episode 4

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators, we focus on TelecomsXchange and their CEO Ameed Jamous. TelecomsXchange is focused on programmable wholesale telecoms, standing on the shoulders of the open source telecom software giants. Ameed is a sponsor of TADSummit and has supported TADHack over the years. We’re both on the Mobile Ecosystem Forum panel “The Future is Cloudy: Cloudification of Wholesale Telecom” … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 4