Podcast 13: Truth in Telecoms, Dirty Cop Suckers

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Lots of news this week. The big one is Silvio Kutic (CEO of Infobip) joining the SMS spam discussion with “Text spamming is out of control. Here’s how to stop it.” Johnny discovered his favorite word of the day, bippers, the collective noun of Infobip employee.

Twilio has another infection of activist shareholders, though smaller this time. While Wall Street appears to be playing games in talking Twilio up and down.

Tata has had a tough time in the news with the TCS judgement, and Tata Communications is not disputing any of Bill Peters claims in its response, including the frame-up job. This led Johnny to use a phrase I’d not heard before, Dirty Cop Suckers! I did clarify to make sure of the words used.

We didn’t get into a tussle on the book clubs, though Johnny was in a pugnacious mood. He wants to wait another week to see if they’ll join the discussion and support the truth we bring to telecoms.

As Johnny advised, check out this week’s TADSummit Innovators Podcast with Paul Sweeney of Webio. Paul provides an inspirational review of how how Webio has changed how conversations around debt are managed to deliver better results for everyone. Webio are making the world better.

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