Podcast 26: TADSummit Innovators, Steven Goodwin

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Steven Goodwin has been part of TADHack since 2015, attending the Lisbon location, and creating the hack, Note to Self.

He’s a developer, author (20 Goto 10), Magician, AI musician, keynote speaker, and FOSDEM regular.

When I first met Steven in 2015 he was working on a remote learning start-up, 3rd Space Learning. This was way before its time given the pandemic. The focus is helping improve access to math tutors.

Over the years Steven has created many hacks, and as importantly helped TADHack sponsors and other hackers achieve more through their involvement in TADHack.

During the pandemic Steven with his partner Lily created 3 hacks over one event! Not one has yet matched this feat.

  • Wizard Chess by Lily Madar and Steven Goodwin. Play chess with your voice, making it accessible for those with visual impairments or less able motor skills. The code is a basic Node app, running on a server which starts by making a Telnyx call to the conference room, which symbl.ai then joins. From there, anything said into the phone is processed by symbl.ai and passed via websockets to the web page. Computer moves are relayed by voice in the opposite direction to only the human player.
  • Colloqui11ly by Lily Madar and Steven Goodwin. ccessible conferencing solution (using TTS and STT). It makes the conference available to all by allowing some users to interact via text message (both to “hear” the chat, and respond) while others get the audio experience.
  • Podcast Annotator by Lily Madar and Steven Goodwin. Hands-free note-taking while listening to a podcast stream. You first start a podcast from the webpage, which initiates a call to your phone. (But it could also be triggered by DTMF tones.) At this point you can listen to the podcast, and say things like “Good point” and “must look that up”. These phrases are transcribed and added to a timeline for later review. Once the podcast ends, this review is sent via SMS.

We reviewed some of Steven’s hacks and contributions over the years. Just go to the TADHack blog and search Goodwin to see his impact. Check out this piece Steven created on Engaging Developers (https://blog.tadsummit.com/2020/07/27/steven-goodwin-engaging-developers/). Make it easy for developers, use language the developer will understand, not industry insiders.

Over the years Steven’s advice has been adopted, and every sponsor that goes through TADHack comes out with a far better experience for developers.

Thank you Steven.

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