Tag Archives: Legion Partners

Podcast 109: Truth in Telecoms: Dean Bubley

Johnny claims this is his final TADSummit podcast, he’s off to become a suck suck fish. He made a special request for Dean Bubley to be on his ‘last’ show, so of course Dean is here. Though as you’ll hear through the episode, I’m not too sure on how final this really is. Dean’s recent … Continue reading Podcast 109: Truth in Telecoms: Dean Bubley

Truth in Telecoms helps Investors in Programmable Telecoms

Moez has raised Twilio’s Stock price from $42 to $110 Moez Kassam and Anson Funds started circling Twilio in 2023, back when the stock was hovering around $42. The information provided in TADSummit’s Truth in Telecoms helped lead to $100M profit for Anson on Twilio. The stock price rise is because of hedge funds buying … Continue reading Truth in Telecoms helps Investors in Programmable Telecoms