Tag Archives: open source

TADSummit mpoll.me Survey Results

During TADSummit we ran a live mobile survey to gather people’s immediate feedback on the event, rather than waiting until after the event. We used the telecom application mpoll.me, which sent SMS to attendees with a link to the survey, where we created questions on the fly. It enabled us to gather immediate feedback from the audience … Continue reading TADSummit mpoll.me Survey Results

RestComm Sample Voice Application: Doctor’s Appointment

One of the sessions at TADS will cover Restcomm – a popular Open Source Cloud Communications platform from the Mobicents Project family, built on Mobicents SIP Servlets, Mobicents Media Server, Java EE (JBoss or Tomcat) and other Open Source ingredients. In a series of blog posts, we will cover different technical aspects of Restcomm in … Continue reading RestComm Sample Voice Application: Doctor’s Appointment