Tag Archives: Mac Taylor

TADSummit mpoll.me Survey Results

During TADSummit we ran a live mobile survey to gather people’s immediate feedback on the event, rather than waiting until after the event. We used the telecom application mpoll.me, which sent SMS to attendees with a link to the survey, where we created questions on the fly. It enabled us to gather immediate feedback from the audience … Continue reading TADSummit mpoll.me Survey Results

Day One Work Stream Review

In bringing so many innovators together in one place, it would be a great shame to not get them sharing experiences and working on solving specific problems facing the industry. So we put into the agenda 6 work streams, the 3 on Day One covered: Work Stream 1. Go-to-market recommendations for Enterprise Services. Go-to-market remains a … Continue reading Day One Work Stream Review

Morning Plenary Day One

After the keynotes, networking and coffee break (with turkish pastries), the morning plenary focused on case studies, demonstrating successful service innovation with joint presentations between technology vendors and their customers (both telcos and enterprises). The objective was to keep the presentations as practice focused as possible to avoid the usual marketing pitches that plague events … Continue reading Morning Plenary Day One

Work Stream 1 Kick Off Discussion: Go-to-market for Enterprise Services

Work Stream 1. Kick off discussion on Go-to-market recommendations for Enterprise Services. Led by Mac Taylor. Go-to-market (G2M) remains a critical barrier to service innovation success. Through a series of case studies and facilitated group discussions this work stream will produce a series of recommendations and actions we need to take to solve the go-to-market … Continue reading Work Stream 1 Kick Off Discussion: Go-to-market for Enterprise Services

Work Stream Review

TADSummit is focused on building an essential component of the Telecoms industry, the telecom application developer ecosystem that creates new services and customer value to address the revenue decline from the commoditization of voice and messaging. Only by working together can we make this happen and drive new revenues into the industry. https://petmedicaltransport.com/getting-prednisone/ The sponsors, partners, … Continue reading Work Stream Review

7 Reasons to attend the TADSummit

The TADS Agenda has been updated with additional telco case studies, developer ‘show and tells’, and world-class panels.  Huawei is the latest TADS sponsor, demonstrating their leadership of the large telecom vendors in understanding the importance of telecom application development to the future of the industry. Here are 7 reasons to attend the TADSummit: Learn … Continue reading 7 Reasons to attend the TADSummit