Tag Archives: legacy consumer services

Work Stream 4 Kick off Discussion, Innovation in Legacy Consumer Telecoms Services

At TADSummit in Istanbul between 12-13th November, there will be six work streams over the two days of the event. These streams will be divided between in-depth case studies and moderated workgroup discussions. These will focus on key opportunities and challenges involved in building the relevant part of the telecom application development ecosystem. This article … Continue reading Work Stream 4 Kick off Discussion, Innovation in Legacy Consumer Telecoms Services

Work Stream Review

TADSummit isĀ focused on building an essential component of the Telecoms industry, the telecom application developer ecosystem that creates new services and customer value to address the revenue decline from the commoditization of voice and messaging. Only by working together can we make this happen and drive new revenues into the industry. https://petmedicaltransport.com/getting-prednisone/ The sponsors, partners, … Continue reading Work Stream Review