Work Stream Review

tad summit work streamTADSummit is focused on building an essential component of the Telecoms industry, the telecom application developer ecosystem that creates new services and customer value to address the revenue decline from the commoditization of voice and messaging. Only by working together can we make this happen and drive new revenues into the industry.
The sponsors, partners, developers and telcos involved realize the importance of this simple yet tough fact, we must work together. Sponsors include APEX Communications, Apidaze, Ericsson, hSenid Mobile, Huawei, Nexmo, OpenCloud, Oracle, Shango, Solaiemes, Telestax, Tropo, Ubuntu / Canonical, and Voxbone. Partners include Dialogic, Metaswitch, Truphone and Tyntec.  Telcos and developers from around the world are coming together and work over an intense 2 days in Istanbul on the 12th and 13th November.

As discussed in the introduction to TADSummit 2014 weblog we will have a series of case studies that are joint telco / technology provider.  These share details of real world experiences, no marketing spin, no high level generic reviews that everything was perfect.  They are detailed, specific case studies on the trials and tribulations in building service innovation success.  We’ll be reviewing them over the coming months in this weblog.
The Work Streams, listed below, are facilitated workshops focused on aspects of building the telecom application development ecosystem.  It enables the frank, interactive discussions missing from the industry today.  TADS is unique, its a grassroots initiative, a movement by the people at the bleeding edge of the industry to work together in building a critical ecosystem.  Nothing in the work streams is fixed, we’ve started a discussion and will develop those work streams based on that discussion over the coming months.  So get in there and start influencing!

Work Stream 1. Go-to-market recommendations for Enterprise Services. Led by Mac Taylor.
Go-to-market remains a critical barrier to service innovation success. Through a series of case studies and facilitated group discussions this work stream will produce a series of recommendations and actions we need to take to solve the go-to-market challenges specific to enterprise services.

Work Stream 2. How do Telco and Vendor Ecosystems work together? Led by Alan Quayle.
There is a dynamic tension between the telco, technology / ecosystem providers, and service innovators (developers). Through a series of case studies and facilitated discussions this work stream will produce a series of insights, recommendations and actions necessary to achieve a vibrant and profitable telecom application developer ecosystem.  See the review of this work stream in this weblog.

Work Stream 3. Managing Intellectual Property Rights and Service Innovation. Led by Mark White.
This is the elephant in the room on service innovation, the trolls have patents covering many new service ideas. We’ll review real-world experiences of services killed by trolls and through a facilitated group discussion produce a series of recommendations and actions to solve the IPR problem.  See the review of this work stream in this weblog.

Work Stream 4. Innovation in legacy consumer services. Led by Dean Bubley.
A misconception is that innovation is only associated with new services. There is still much innovation possible within the services customers consume today across voice, messaging and broadband. This stream will dive into ways to improve margin, maintain and extend revenues across all existing services, from feature-phones to the latest smartphones.

Work Stream 5. Processes for successful new service commercialization. Led by Alan Quayle.  
Service innovation isn’t easy within a telco, but we must never give-up else resign the business to just being an ISP. This work steam will be a frank review of the barriers and how people are finding ways to force action, and even when service innovations get launched how to protect them from the anti-bodies in the rest of the organization.  See the review of this work stream in this weblog.

Work Stream 6. Reviewing how TADHack can create a service innovation pipeline. Led by Mark White.
TADHack proved to engage developers beyond anyone’s expectations with 700 registrations and 500 attendees. But how can we harness this service innovation pipeline into telcos? The innovators are there and willing to hack on telecom APIs, the technology is mature, but there is a gap. How do we close it with specific steps that deliver business results?