Introducing the TADSummit Sponsors and Partners


TADSummit is focused on bringing the industry together to build the telecom application developer ecosystem. Last year the focus was creating the TADManifesto and setting out the plan for 2014 with TADHack and TADSummit. The sponsors of TADSummit 2014 include:

Apex communicationsWith over 15,000 installations across 100 countries since 1989, APEX Communications is a global provider of Service Delivery Platforms, Application Servers, and Service-Ready Solutions to mobile and fixed line Network Operators, Value Added Service Providers, Contact Centers, Enterprises, and Value Added Resellers. APEX products are primarily used for network, customer care, and value-added services and are accessed via Voice, Video, SMS/Text, and/or USSD.
apidazeApidaze offer a second generation cloud communications API providing easy to integrate development tools for building any web or mobile communication service, with a special focus on WebRTC. Other services include voice and SMS, phone numbers available for 8,000 cities in 80 countries.

ericssonEricsson is the driving force behind the Networked Society – a world leader in communications technology and services. Our long-term relationships with every major telecom operator in the world allow people, businesses and societies to fulfill their potential and create a more sustainable future. Our services, software and infrastructure – especially in mobility, broadband and the cloud – are enabling the telecom industry and other sectors to do better business, increase efficiency, improve the user experience and capture new opportunities.

hsenid mobilehSenid Mobile solutions pioneer end-to-end platforms that connect people. We build groundbreaking business models to monetize Telco resources and ensure Quality and Innovation towards a successful mobile lifestyle. Together with our expertise in multidomain solutions, we would like to explore with you on how you could connect to more businesses, better.

huaweiFounded in 1987, Huawei is an entirely employee-owned private company and a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider with a vision to enrich life through communication. Through the company’s 150,000 employees and dedication to customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, Huawei has established end-to-end capabilities across the carrier networks, enterprise and consumer markets by providing competitive solutions and services, which have been deployed in over 170 countries and regions, serving more than one-third of the world’s population.
nexmoConnect your applications to phones around the world in minutes — Nexmo’s cloud SMS and text-to-speech APIs make it easy. More than just a simple API, Nexmo’s platform routes any message your app sends or receives, finding the most optimal paths of delivery to over 1000 carriers around the world in over 200 countries. By being able to adjust to the volatility of the global telco market, Nexmo can offer the highest quality of delivery at the lowest cost to you.  Nexmo handles over 250 million messages a month for some of the world’s fastest growing applications. Customers include seven of the top ten messaging applications such as Line and Viber, as well as consumer apps Airbnb and Hailo.

opencloudOpenCloud was founded in New Zealand in 2000 with the mission of creating game-changing next generation software products for the telecom network based on open standards, Java and standard Information Technology computing platforms. Over a decade on, OpenCloud delivers open, standards-based network service layer transformation solutions to the telecommunications industry. OpenCloud Next Generation Service Layer products enable the agile delivery of classic and Telco2.0 telecommunication services at a dramatically lower price-point across next generation IP and legacy networks. Unlike traditional, closed and proprietary service layer solutions provided by network equipment providers OpenCloud’s large, independent developer ecosystem delivers service innovation and the competitive supply of telecom applications that runs on the OpenCloud Rhino service layer products. OpenCloud has more than 50 customers worldwide including multiple Vodafone and T-Mobile operating companies and Telkomsel in Indonesia. OpenCloud ranks as one of the UK’s top 50 fastest growing privately owned companies.

oracle communicationsOracle engineers hardware and software to work together in the cloud and in your data center. For more information about Oracle (NYSE:ORCL), visit

shango unifyShango Unify provides operators the capability of empowering their subscribers to link 3rd party services directly to their existing telephone number. Unlike other platform approaches which focus on developers building services directly to the operator APIs, Shango Unify takes care of that, and provides a normalized layer of integration. This provides a one-to-many model for both operators and developers, allowing operators access to pre-integrated services, and also allowing developers to be discovered by many operators and pulled directly into their product offerings with minimal integration effort.
solaiemes comverseSolaiemes, recently acquired by Comverse, products help carriers to keep their role relevant, allowing them to build alternatives to over-the-top offers using enablers as Joyn / RCS-e and RCS as a Platform. We defined the concept FTB, Friendly Telco Border, as the telco enablers exposition “in the internet language”, REST and SOAP WS APIs. We believe that the global reach of telco enablers, combined with proper APIs to allow 3rd parties to create use cases on top is a Win-Win-Win combination. We help telcos to make this way to keep a role in communication services. Solaiemes was conceived with the aim of opening telco enablers to developers creating a intermediate infrastructure layer to approach telco core to the 3rd party ecosystem.

telestax restcomm mobicentsTeleStax provides Open Source Communications software and services that facilitate the shift from legacy SS7 based IN networks to IP based LTE and IMS networks hosted on private (on-premise), hybrid or public clouds. TeleStax products include Restcomm, JSLEE, SMSC Gateway, USSD Gateway, SS7 Resource Adaptors, SIP Servlets, Rich Multimedia Services, Presence Services/RCS, Diameter/AAA Services, XMPP Services, WebRTC services and others.

tropo amecheTropo lives at the intersection of developers and service providers. We invest in revolutionary ideas and innovate new communications solutions. Tropo products are used by over 140,000 developers and many of the largest operators, mobile carriers, businesses and service providers around the world.

ubuntu canonical juju charmsLinux was already established as an enterprise server platform in 2004, but free software was not a part of everyday life for most computer users. That’s why Mark Shuttleworth gathered a small team of developers from one of the most established Linux projects – Debian – and set out to create an easy-to-use Linux desktop: Ubuntu. The vision for Ubuntu is part social and part economic: free software, available to everybody on the same terms, and funded through a portfolio of services provided by Canonical. Working with a close-knit team from the open-source community, Canonical is responsible for delivering six-monthly releases, as well as co-ordinating security, trouble-shooting and providing an online platform for community interaction. The number-one provider of Ubuntu services, Canonical works closely with businesses and individuals alike. Canonical also develops bespoke systems, provides comprehensive support and all the training that’s necessary to get everybody up and running. With more than 500 employees in over 39 countries, the company continues expanding to support the millions of Ubuntu users around the world.

voxboneVoxbone believes in a world where ordering and configuring telecom services is as simple as buying any internet service. Voxbone’s role is to provide an automated and quality access to the global voice network infrastructure by combining the main advantages of the current system with the advantages of all-IP. Voxbone’s mission is to simplify telecommunications by bringing local voice services to the cloud. As the market leader in providing worldwide geographical, toll-free and iNum® telephone numbers, Voxbone delivers high-quality inbound communications (often referred to as direct inward dialing, or DID) from more than 50 countries and more than 4,000 cities. Voxbone enables Internet communications services providers, global carriers and national operators to extend the reach of their voice services internationally, rapidly and with limited costs. Voxbone is the only operator of its kind with self-owned licenses, telephone number ranges and network infrastructure in its footprint. In 2012, Voxbone’s private global VoIP network carried 2.8 billion minutes of voice traffic. The company excels through its quality of service, best-in-industry management tools and regulatory compliance. Voxbone has more than 700 wholesale customers around the globe, including Skype, IDT, Level(3), inContact, 8×8 and Voxeo.

metaswitchMetaswitch is powering the transition of communication networks into a cloud-based, software-centric, all-IP future. With a reputation earned by solving tough technical problems, Metaswitch develops openly programmable solutions that run on standard hardware or in virtualized environments and act as the key control points in elastic voice, video and data networks.  

Check out this IMS in Minutes demo created during TADHack from Metaswitch (Project Clearwater an open source IMS), Ubuntu/Canonical (Juju Charms and private Cloud), and Telestax (open source telecom application server, Mobicents) of deploying an open source IMS in minutes, actually 1 minute and 47 seconds.

truphoneTruphone is the first mobile network without country borders. Our mission is to enable our customers to stay connected. Globally. And we do so by delivering outstanding international mobile experiences around the world. That means excellent call quality, fast data speeds, and reliable connections and at local rates, both at home and abroad.

tyntecTyntec enables the easy integration of three key telco services to their customers: SMS, voice and mobile numbers. From start-ups to the world’s premier companies, tyntec delivers flexible and scalable telco services to over 500 businesses. They focus on reliability, network coverage, and the ability to create robust and customizable solutions thanks to their expert team of developers and engineers supporting customers around the world.

We have many more partners supporting and promoting TADSummit, you can see them on the front page of the event website.