Podcast 18: TADSummit Innovators, Matthew Smith, fieldcloud

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I first met Matthew of fieldcloud at TADSummit this year. He brings a wealth of experience across enterprise IT, SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition), and telecoms. He’s a great and vocal representative of all the industrial applications running on CPaaSAI, and provides a breadth of fresh air on private 5G telecom echo chamber.

He frames fieldcloud as the guardian of institutional knowledge in industrial oil and gas refining processes. There are so many commonalities with the challenges we see in other industries, it shows to my mind, the root cause are always humans đŸ˜‰

But back to fieldcloud, often the reasons behind an industrial process are lost. It becomes a cargo cult. The term cargo cult is when an programmer inexperienced with the problem at hand copies some program code from one place to another with little understanding of how it works or whether it is required.

Fieldcloud brings the depth of experience to understand the core requirements of the process, and digitize what is required of the process onto modern tools and methods. For example, from an industrial perspective SMS is inadequate from a security, data transfer, and alerting perspective. Yet, it’s still being deployed. At TADSummit we had a fun discussion on the need to end of life USSD, while UIB/PAiC were demonstrating ChatGPT over USSD, breathing new life into it!

We’ll definitely have Matthew back on as we barely scratched the surface of the industrial requirements of CPaaSAI, and the synergies we see with the challenges within the industry on the loss of organizational knowledge.

I’ll add the link to Matthew’s new show here.

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