MEF: A case study in one lie leads to another 

I’ve discovered Dario Betti is sending private emails to TADSummit and TADHack sponsors, and others that like my posts. Claiming I am lying about the MEF. Everything I’ve posted is backed by public documents and corroborated by leading experts. It’s all public and verified / corroborated, it’s the truth, unlike Dario’s private email.

For example on leading experts:

MEF’s official policy was to ignore my work, see this letter from Robert Gerstmann (Chairman MEF and Sinch Evangelist) to its members. Clearly, that order has stopped and they are now targeting TADS sponsors with lies. I’ve been in telecoms for decades, my reputation on telling the truth is widely known.

Let’s review some of my alleged lies.

MEF misogynistic?

I’ve never made that claim directly. I simply point to what Puja Amin has published, and continue to support her, as everyone in our industry should.

Please read this article from Puja on how she was treated by the MEF. “Dario Betti lied” – that’s Puja’s words. It’s all there in black and white, written by Puja’s law firm.

She was kicked off a panel as a partner at her law firm pointed out the silly Latham Watkins FCC filing about Rick Joyce’s concerns with the TCR (The Campaign Registry), which given the US PSTN hack has proven spot on. She was kicked off a panel that included Glen Richards, an attorney for TCR / Kaleyra.

The association between Troutman Amin LLP and TADSummit is mutual respect for putting truth first. Check out the excellent TADSummit session from Eric Troutman (partner at Puja’s law firm) and Alex Quilici (YouMail), it’s the robocalling dream team.

Puja was utterly pissed at her treatment from MEF, so I called for the industry to support her. 

MEF is detached from reality, they called a US law firm a defamer, after the law firm had presented the clear evidence of MEF’s mistreatment of Puja. A normal organization would have closed down the issue and apologized, but not MEF.

On the TCPA World blog they have several posts on Puja’s treatment. The culmination was a special edition of their Magazine, Deserve to Win. Puja is hardcore!

Dario could have apologized for Puja’s treatment, instead lied, continues to lie, and apparently blames me for Puja standing up for herself. Well done Puja, you are an example of leadership in the face of bullying. Shame on MEF for her treatment. And shame on MEF for not understanding TADSummit and Troutman Amin LLP are 2 completely different organizations.

MEF sponsors, you paid for this mess. All that was required is a public apology and explanation from Dario to Puja, none has been provided, just lies upon lies by Dario, and now lies to TADSummit and TADHack sponsors. But as the saying goes, one lie leads to another, and that is what’s happening at MEF. 

Remember no one has apologized to Twitter for the $60M a year theft from AIT (Artificially Inflated Traffic). MEF claims to represent the messaging industry, clearly it takes no responsibility, only sponsors’ money.

Rick Joyce’s Letter

This is where it all began, The Campaign Registry and Foreign Ownership: A Matter of National Security. Rick was the chair of telecommunications at Venable LLP, Alston & Bird LLP, and Joyce & Jacobs LLP; and former Chief Counsel for Chief Information Officer/Assistant Commandant for C4IT at U.S. Coast Guard, and holds the highest security clearance. Rick is uniquely qualified to understand the risks of TCR foreign ownership.

MEF had Eric Priezkalns do a hit job on Rick’s post, with the accusation it was a xenophobic dog whistle. I’ve followed Eric for many years and was surprised by his analysis. However, MEF bought Commsrisk, and Eric is now the Director of Anti-Fraud and Integrity at the MEF. I assume that was the pay off?

As the Mobile Ecosystem Forum Director of Anti-Fraud and Integrity Eric posted on Twitter about, “her husband did not have sex with that woman. He just j!zzed on her dress after fellatio.”

The post was removed after some time, here is the post when it was live.  Clearly inappropriate for any Director of Integrity.

Why was MEF involved in the accusation of Rick Joyce’s xenophobic dog whistle? Its sponsors are TCR, Kaleyra, and Tata Communications. The ones that funded sending people to my home at 8PM on a Saturday in an attempt to intimidate me. Here is Judge Colleen McMahon’s opinion on what they are up to:, “long, drawn-out, lawless litigation”. Yes, Bill Peters is still under lawfare, one of the fathers of SMS in the US.

Rick also posted to the FCC in a call for comments a version of this note, that lead to the Latham Watkins post and Eric Troutman’s fun review. And after that, Puja was kicked off the MEF panel. This is all published by her law firm. 

Telecoms is not an Organized Crime Family, is it? 

I was born in the UK, behaving like a member of the mafia is not acceptable. We name names when we have proof. If we do not have proof, we say nothing. Everything I’ve posted is with proof. I have been accused of lying. Yet I have provided proof I am not, when will MEF provide proof to counter my evidence? They will not, as I present the truth. And if there are any errors I correct them, the volume of work is vast.

To the telcos wanting to be like CPaaS, note some of the schemes CPaaS use to make money include: sending spam SMS and robocalls; using AIT to steal from customers;  enabling China to hack communications (see Rick’s post); raise national and international A2P rates by 1000%+ on a whim, charge for fake delivery receipts, and much more.

Here are more real world examples on the reality of what is going on and how the industry can solve the problems, we can be better:

A telco is bound by the contract with a country to provide telecommunication services. The previously mentioned CPaaS monetization methods are not appropriate. Remember when MEF showed pornography as a premium SMS monetization opportunity? To quote a retired European telco CEO ““The industry is polluted by Tier-2 and 3 crooks and fraudsters, but there is still tons of work to do with the big guys as well.”

Every journey begins with a first step. At TADSummit, we’ve begun a journey focused on truth and integrity in telecoms.  To remove the corrupt ‘organized crime’ elements, so telcos and their partners can be trusted again. Knowing there are a group of hardcore analysts and investigative journalists focused on a future we can be proud of and trusted by our customers. 

Call to Action

Dario is targeting TADSummit and TADHack sponsors, and anyone who likes our posts, with private emails claiming I am lying. Is Puja lying about her treatment by MEF? Are leaders in the industry, Robert Vis and Kevin Graham lying? Are all the documents I quote falsified? The answer is a resounding NO!

We need everyone in the TADS ecosystem to show honesty and integrity matters. On the few posts that need your support, I’ll add “TADS Please Support” to the title. Please like, repost, comment. To highlight attempts to stifle TADS will have exactly the opposite effect. Thank you. 

TADSummit Youtube channel has about 500k views from 1.4M impressions, add in TADHack and that’s over 2M impressions and 650k views. We have the best innovators in programmable communications / telecoms on our channels. Truth in Telecoms is the only place where you can understand the reality of the business, as NO BS has been our policy since the beginning. 

The people have spoken by their viewership. The world is changing fast. Last year Rick Joyce warned about the risks, and we have experienced the worst hack in American History that has now spread into dozens of countries. Truth in Telecoms will continue to help you understand the reality of what is happening. 

Honesty and integrity matter.

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