Tag Archives: airtel X Labs

A Slice of TADSummit: Applications

In this weblog we review the presentations focused on applications at TADSummit Asia 2021. That is, using programmable communications to make money. In keeping with the TADSummit’s no BS policy, these are practice-focused, sharing insights gained from the field. The presentations include: Airtel IQ: Transforming customer engagement by embedding real-time communications, Ankit Goel and Ishan Bansal, … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Applications

TADSummit Asia 2021 (Online Through May)

Through May 2021 we will publish TADSummit Asia presentations daily. I’m excited about the agenda we have planned. TADSummit Asia is the only event focused on programmable communications in Asia. Here is the TADSummit Asia agenda, it’s draft, still much to add. Some of the highlights include: Keynote: Accelerating Women Tech inclusion with effective usage of Telco API by Sammani Kusaladharma, Senior Executive … Continue reading TADSummit Asia 2021 (Online Through May)