Tag Archives: real time communications

Podcast 59: TADSummit Innovators, Tim Panton, There’s no such thing as 5G

Podcast Directory Tim Panton is the co-founder of pi.pe, and a TADS regular. The last time we talked was about the peer-to-peer baby monitor technology pi.pe licensed to a baby monitor company. The learning from that product is customers are not that concerned about the security and privacy of their baby monitors. Tim pointed to … Continue reading Podcast 59: TADSummit Innovators, Tim Panton, There’s no such thing as 5G

Security and Real-time Communications – a maze of twisty little passages, that all look alike. Olle E. Johansson

Security and Real-time Communications – a maze of twisty little passages, that all look alike. Olle E. Johansson, Consultant in network security and real-time communication – PKI, webrtc, SIP , XMPP, Kamailio and Asterisk expert. This is an excellent story about SIP & Security. Olle takes us on a journey into a cave, through twisty … Continue reading Security and Real-time Communications – a maze of twisty little passages, that all look alike. Olle E. Johansson

Adventures in Real-Time Communications in the Cloud, Manuel Pombo, GoContact

Adventures in Real-Time Communications in the Cloud, Manuel Pombo, GoContact. This is an excellent introduction to the core issues that lead carriers to have a significant legacy burden, and why change is slow. In Sebastian Schumann’s Serverless opinion, he also covers these points and more. Manuel then gives a masterclass on moving RTC workloads into the cloud. They’ve experienced VMs competing … Continue reading Adventures in Real-Time Communications in the Cloud, Manuel Pombo, GoContact

TADSummit Revisited, Manjeet Singh, CEO Elucit Software / Pinig

Manjeet Singh, CEO Elucit Software / Pinig presented in the Telestax slot at TADSummit. This was an important evolution of TADSummit, where the customer presentation is more important than the platform presentation.  We’re moving from a technology bias to a business bias. You can see his slides and presentation below. On Wednesday 13th January at 8:30 AM, … Continue reading TADSummit Revisited, Manjeet Singh, CEO Elucit Software / Pinig

TADSummit Day 1 Morning Plenary

The morning plenary of Day 1 was back-to-back presentations from the people changing the face of telecoms, thanks to their APIs, platforms (open and closed source), processes, and vision. We kicked off with founding sponsor Tropo, who was recently bought by Cisco. Being a TADSummit sponsor makes you a hot property for M&A, with founding sponsor … Continue reading TADSummit Day 1 Morning Plenary