Tag Archives: sms certification

Podcast 87: Truth in Telecoms, The Vis Part 1

Podcast Directory Bait and switched into another Truth in Telecoms. Robert (The Vis) thought he was entering an industry beauty contest (really?) only to discover Johnny had an inquisition’s worth of questions. This really is a great review of the state of the industry and so many of the issues covered up by industry bodies. … Continue reading Podcast 87: Truth in Telecoms, The Vis Part 1

Truth in A2P SMS, Part 5 of 5

In this series we will expose the reality of what’s happening in A2P SMS. We’ll review how the current situation can and will be solved through mitigations the industry must adopt. This series is based on extensive research through 2024, it is not a complete exposé. However, the main mechanisms and mitigations are covered. Mitigations: … Continue reading Truth in A2P SMS, Part 5 of 5

Truth in A2P SMS, Part 4 of 5

In this series we will expose the reality of what’s happening in A2P SMS. We’ll review how the current situation can and will be solved through mitigations the industry must adopt. This series is based on extensive research through 2024, it is not a complete exposé. However, the main mechanisms and mitigations are covered. SIM … Continue reading Truth in A2P SMS, Part 4 of 5