Tag Archives: Telnet

Podcast 101: TADSummit Innovators, Jeremy Turner, Aaron Birnbaum, Bohdan Hopanchuk

Thank you Bohdan for bringing everyone together. The new people on this podcast are Jeremy Turner from TacitRed, and Aaron Birnbaum (TRaViS). They both provide external attack surface management, and bring extensive experience across cyber security and even telecoms. Aaron and I have MCI and BT in common, as they did a joint venture many … Continue reading Podcast 101: TADSummit Innovators, Jeremy Turner, Aaron Birnbaum, Bohdan Hopanchuk

Innovator Interview: Mark Diaz, Chief Executive Officer Vinix

Innovator Interview: Mark Diaz, Chief Executive Officer Vinix This was a fun interview with a kindred spirit. Vinix demonstrates why diversity will reign in enterprise communications. Thanks to open source projects like, Kamailio, Kazoo (2600Hz) and Matrix; Mark delivers programmable communication services. That it, stuff that does what his customers need; and support they know … Continue reading Innovator Interview: Mark Diaz, Chief Executive Officer Vinix