Thank you to everyone who took part in TADSummit Asia 2021. Over the weekend we wrapped up the thought-leadership event in programmable communications, founded in 2013. The agenda enables you to see all the presentation videos, slides, outlines, reviews, and Q&A from the event. Its world-class thought-leadership from the people working at the bleeding-edge of programmable communications / telecoms.
Over the month of May we had 2000 unique video views, 4000 visitors to the TADSummit weblog, and the slides were viewed 6000 times (that number surprised me as its normally less than the weblog visitors). And through June we run ‘A Slice of TADSummit’ reviewing themes from the event.
Over the lifetime of TADSummit we’ve had 80k video views for a total of 7000 hours. Those numbers will continue to grow. Some of the most popular videos have been viewed between 2000-5000 times.
Last year’s TADSummit Asia 2020 also ran through the pandemic, and was easier. This year we had several presenters come down with COVID in early May, fortunately they recovered by the end of the month and presented. Towards the end of May several locations went back into second or third lockdowns, which impacted presenters’ plans. But despite this everyone gave world-class presentations. Disappointingly, this year there were no sponsors for TADSummit Asia, well there was the sponsor of last resort, me 😉
We have TADSummit EMEA Americas 2021 coming up on 10-11 November. We’re hoping to run it both online and in-person in Aveiro Portugal at GoContact’s HQ. We’ll make a final decision in early October on the in-person part. But regardless it is happening, so if you want to sponsor or present, please contact me. TADSummit continues to be the definitive guide to the programmable communications / telecoms industry. We have a policy of no BS!
TADHack Global will be running both in-person and online on the 25-26 September, the weekend before Enterprise Connect 2021, with a session on Monday 27th afternoon of EC21 for the TADHack winners from around the world to give their winning pitches. If you want to sponsor TADHack Global, please contact me. It’s the largest hackathon focused on programmable communications since 2014.
And finally, I highlight a few of the many excellent presentations from this year’s TADSummit Asia:
- Accelerating Women Tech inclusion with effective usage of Telco API by Sammani Kusaladharma, Specialist at Ideamart, Dialog Axiata. Every CPaaS should have such a program.
- Unlocking the Internet of Things with telco APIs: Telstra’s Track and Monitor by Developer Advocate Michelle Howie and Track and Monitor Product Owner Lauren Demarchi, Telstra. Excellent review of the importance of APIs to Telcos.
- CPaaS Analytics – Insights into the Long Tail by Sandarenu Madan Arachchige, Software Architect, hSenid Mobile. CPaaS analytics are the new battleground in CPaaS competition.
- How Not to Build a Chatbot by Muzzamel Mazidee, Director of Partnerships UIB. One of the best chatbot reviews I’ve seen.
- Pitfalls and potholes of content moderation for chatbots by Elayne Ruane, PhD researcher in QA of Conversational AI at LERO Centre. Moderation of chatbots is a critically important and under-discussed topic.
- Conversation Intelligence for Developers by Neeraj Chaudhary, Solutions Engineer, Symbl.ai. Symb.ai is an API platform to analyze voice, text, and video conversations, and they’re a sponsor of TADHack Global 2021 in September.
- Introducing Cloud APIs for jambonz by Dave Horton: Creator of jambonz (open source CPaaS) and drachtio (open source SIP server and Node.js application library). The demo Dave provides of setting up Jambonz is amazing. In just a few minutes he has a full voice-centric CPaaS operational and running live services. Having helped many companies through this process over the years, this is revolutionary.
- My Two Bits on Qubits by Craig Richards, TADSummit and TADHack supporter since the beginning of TADS. We always have workshops not directly in the domain of programmable communications, though relevant.
Please put TADHack Global 2021, 25-26 September; and TADSummit EMEA Americas 10-11 November in your diary. If you see value in what we do, please sponsor us!
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