Podcast 21: Truth in Telecoms, The 250B INR Tata Communications Short

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Best wishes for the New Year to the TADS community and everyone that follows the TADSummit Podcast.

Over the holidays’ period so much happened!

Johnny’s been studying Tata Communications, they’ve had a massive run up, from 330 INR to 1750 INR. We covered in the TADSummit Innovators interview with UIB who is no longer a partner, and across our analysis on TCR and Kaleyra (Part 1 and Part 2). They are a CPaaS in name only, the longevity of TCR revenues (their main source of profitability from Kaleyra) must be called into question, why have they avoided USF fines? The list goes on. So Johnny is calling a 250B INR Tata Communications short.

Tata Communications sent a New Year’s present to me of a cease and desist. I have no NDA with TCR, I have no copy of the recordings. I did agreed with Johnny on Truth in Telecoms podcast that the recordings in Tata Communications’ possession should be released as they allegedly expose election interference between TCR and one of the Telecom Triopoly. This is also further evidence on the continued abuse Bill Peter’s has suffered for the past 2 years (2022-2024).

Check out Johnny’s post on Elon Musk’s Starlink to offer direct-to-cell service with T-Mobile. I’ll ignore the social politics of this post, Johnny lays it out. I just can’t get out of my mind to the tune of The Muppets “Pigs in Space” – “SPAM from Space!”

Yesterday we released after lots of research and support from the industry the “Telecom Triopoly“. In this post we examine how The Telecom Triopoly (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile) has gamed the Federal Communications Commission for decades.

We reviewed the evolution of A2P SMS, through fixed line SMS, 10DLC, 800SMS, to the unfair practices being imposed on UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) today.

How The Telecom Triopoly has honed their craft in gaming the FCC and abusing their position in the market.

It’s important to remember through most of the existence of SMS, carriers considered it a loss leader. The majority of money was made on voice and data, not SMS. That is, until Twilio and others showed carriers how A2P SMS can make loads of money.

Over the next couple of week’s let’s see how Twilio performs given the new T-Mobile fines. That should give an indication of what Twilio bought for $750M from Syniverse.

Johnny finishes on what precipitated this chain of events, the abuse Bill Peter’s suffered for doing his job well at the instigation of Avi Katz (chairman of Kaleyra, who engineered the Tata Communications deal, among many other things).