Tag Archives: MEF

Podcast 41: [REDACTED], What the MEF?

Podcast Directory As mentioned last week, we’re not using the usual title, because that keeps being disapproved for shocking content or political advertising. Let’s see what happens today. Youtube continues working on this problem to determine what is going on. I have a feeling there’s an insider messing with the TADSummit channel. This week things … Continue reading Podcast 41: [REDACTED], What the MEF?

Podcast 12: TADSummit Innovators, Paul Sweeney, Webio

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators, Paul Sweeney, Webio We open with a quick preview of what’s coming in Friday’s Truth in Telecoms: Twilio’s activists, Tata latest and UIB, then Johnny and I go one on one on the bookclubs, such as the Monopoly Economics Forum AKA MEF! Sorry I mean the Mobile Entertainment Forum, oops, I … Continue reading Podcast 12: TADSummit Innovators, Paul Sweeney, Webio