AWA Keynote. The AWA Story. Liberating a growing market.

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AWA Keynote. The AWA Story. Liberating a growing market.

Marten Schoenherr, CEO and Founder, AWA Network

The Problem:

  • Vendor lock in with CPaaS
  • Black-box conditions
  • Missing features

The Solution:

  • Universal API
  • Real-time routing on a list of integrated providers
  • Enrich universal API with user preferences not available from the usual suspect CPaaS


We’ve been following immr, Automat Berlin and now AWA Networks for a number of years.

AWA Network is a CPaaS proxy, a Twilio-like API for SMS across a number providers. Currently they are working on adding preferences, enabling users to selecting routing based on price, speed, reliability. AWA connects across not only CPaaS provider APIs, but also SMPP to carriers. And plan to add voice, DIDs and more in time.

Marten was frank, they are experimenting based on a need they see in the market, the business model is not yet baked. Their operating model is they act on behalf of the underlying providers. It’s great Marten is exploring this avenue to better meet developers’ needs, we need more innovation like this!

At TADHack Global 2021 they had an excellent hack from a team demonstrating the cost benefits of taking this universal API approach, The AWA Effect.

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