Category Archives: Event Review

Future of Telecom Application Development: Day 2 Work Streams, Closing Panel and Wrap-up

We wrapped up Day Two of TADSummit with three work streams, a closing panel focused on “The Future of Telecom Application Development and Commercialization,” and a glimpse into the TADHack, TADMeetup and TADSummit plans for 2015. All three work streams have the same format of a panel discussion followed by work tables addressing specific questions … Continue reading Future of Telecom Application Development: Day 2 Work Streams, Closing Panel and Wrap-up

Day Two Morning Plenary, TADSummit Demo

Day Two started where Day One finished, with real practical demonstrations of service innovation.  In this case is was with a TADSummit Demo from Canonical, Metaswitch, Telestax and Truphone.  It was a world-first demonstration of a live telephone voting service running on Ubuntu, Metaswitch and Telestax software provisioned and launched into operation over the Truphone network in … Continue reading Day Two Morning Plenary, TADSummit Demo

Day One Afternoon Plenary, WebRTC and more

Day One wrapped up with excellent presentations showing more case studies on service innovation success, with a particular focus on WebRTC.  Though for balance I included APEX Communications who, though quiet from a marketing perspective, have an impressive roster of customers and great case studies using a more traditional platform based approach.  This is the fourth … Continue reading Day One Afternoon Plenary, WebRTC and more

Day One Work Stream Review

In bringing so many innovators together in one place, it would be a great shame to not get them sharing experiences and working on solving specific problems facing the industry. So we put into the agenda 6 work streams, the 3 on Day One covered: Work Stream 1. Go-to-market recommendations for Enterprise Services. Go-to-market remains a … Continue reading Day One Work Stream Review

Morning Plenary Day One

After the keynotes, networking and coffee break (with turkish pastries), the morning plenary focused on case studies, demonstrating successful service innovation with joint presentations between technology vendors and their customers (both telcos and enterprises). The objective was to keep the presentations as practice focused as possible to avoid the usual marketing pitches that plague events … Continue reading Morning Plenary Day One

TADSummit Keynotes

TADSummit was a packed and intense gathering of telecom innovators from around the world.  We had to bring in additional chairs, people where standing at the networking tables, and fortunately there were some stairs at the back where people could sit. Close to 200 people over two days listened to ground breaking presentations, rolled-up their sleeves … Continue reading TADSummit Keynotes