Tag Archives: TCPA World

Podcast 102: Truth in Telecoms, Don Dario

Podcast Directory We discovered last week that Dario Betti is sending private emails to TADSummit and TADHack sponsors. Claiming I am lying about the MEF. Everything I’ve posted is backed by public documents and corroborated by leading messaging experts. It’s all public and verified / corroborated, it’s the truth, unlike Dario’s private email. This post ‘MEF: A … Continue reading Podcast 102: Truth in Telecoms, Don Dario

MEF: A case study in one lie leads to another 

I’ve discovered Dario Betti is sending private emails to TADSummit and TADHack sponsors, and others that like my posts. Claiming I am lying about the MEF. Everything I’ve posted is backed by public documents and corroborated by leading experts. It’s all public and verified / corroborated, it’s the truth, unlike Dario’s private email. For example … Continue reading MEF: A case study in one lie leads to another 

Robocalling Dream Team: Eric Troutman, Czar of TCPA; and Alex Quilici, CEO YouMail

I’m reviewing both presentations together as they are a knock-out punch for robocalling, plus protecting consumers and small/medium businesses. The chit-chat is both fun and insightful. Their TADSummit sessions were: We’ve had both Eric and Alex on the TADSummit podcast. Between the podcasts and the TADSummit presentations, things are moving fast in the industry. Telephone … Continue reading Robocalling Dream Team: Eric Troutman, Czar of TCPA; and Alex Quilici, CEO YouMail

Podcast 48: Truth in Telecoms, tyntec Frenzy

Podcast Directory Johnny’s Linkedin post about Tyntec ensured April started with a bang. For over one decade, and since the beginning of the TADSummit Podcast, Johnny’s been trying to sell Tyntec. The document below shows Twilio and tyntec have entered into a partnership. In this podcast you’ll see Johnny is in a party mood, stirring … Continue reading Podcast 48: Truth in Telecoms, tyntec Frenzy