Guest Post by Ross Garrett, Director Product Marketing. Layer 7 Technologies a CA Technologies company. Back in 2011, Marc Andreessen famously stated that “software is eating the world” and predicted that – over the subsequent decade – almost every major industry would be disrupted and transformed by software and the innovations of Silicon Valley. Just … Continue reading The Software Defined Telco→
Given the feedback received since the release of the TAD Manifesto and the responses to the TAD Questionnaires, Telecom application developers range from: Hardcore Telecom Application Developers building communications platforms and services on open source and proprietary platforms such as OpenCloud, Asterisk, Free Switch, Mobicents, Clearwater, etc.. These are the developers that understand re-origination, codec … Continue reading Building the TAD Ecosystem→
At TADS we are proud that MEF is the Official Community Partner of Telecom Application Development Summit (TADS Summit). Delegates of the event are invited to check out AppPrivacy™, a free resource for app developers around the world featuring a best practice privacy policy generator. AppPrivacy is from MEF, the global community for mobile content … Continue reading MEF Privacy Tool→
Guest post from Ben Klang of Mojo Lingo on the Telecom Apps Ecosystem from a developer’s perspective. At Mojo Lingo, we build voice applications that work like magic. That means we’re focused on one thing: happy users communicating effortlessly in real-time. Today I want to talk about the Telecom App landscape from our perspective, as … Continue reading Mojo Lingo Guest Post, The Voice of the Telecom Application Developer→
You may not be able to make it physically to the TADSummit, but you can still be part of it and influence the questions asked in the sessions, and the content of the TAD Manifesto. The TADSummit attendees will receive their own survey, so if you’re attending there’s no need to complete these, unless you want … Continue reading TADSummit Surveys→
The TADS Agenda has been updated with additional telco case studies, developer ‘show and tells’, and world-class panels. Huawei is the latest TADS sponsor, demonstrating their leadership of the large telecom vendors in understanding the importance of telecom application development to the future of the industry. Here are 7 reasons to attend the TADSummit: Learn … Continue reading 7 Reasons to attend the TADSummit→
Since the release of the Manifesto it’s been an intense week, thank you for all the feedback, keep it coming. We’re receiving lots of excellent advice; and having many discussions addressing confusions in the market. This will help make the Manifesto easier to understand, especially on some of the assumptions and defining some of the … Continue reading TAD Manifesto Feedback Part 1→
Its a question often asked, “why are you holding TADS (Telecom Application Developer Summit) in Bangkok? Why not London or the Bay Area?” There are operational and strategic reasons. Operationally At the same time as TADS in Bangkok is ITU Telecom World with 7000 of the telecoms industry attending at the same location of the … Continue reading Why are you holding TADS in Bangkok?→
When a web or mobile application developer talks about their latest app, one of the very first questions they answer is what application server hosts the server side of the app. It is safe to guess that the answer is either Java EE, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python Django, or Node.js. All of these technologies … Continue reading Helping baby boomers age safely with Telecom APIs (Restcomm)→
A TADS Webinar discussing the TADManifesto and TADSummit will run on Thursday 3rd October at 10AM NYC time, 7AM San Francisco, 4PM Central European Time, and 10PM China time. The webinar will be streamed live here, so check out this entry at that scheduled time and we will have a Google Hangout on Air streaming … Continue reading Webinar on TADSummit and TADManifesto 3rd Oct→