Introducing the latest TADSummit partner – Aculab

Based in Milton Keynes, UK, and with offices in the US and Germany, Aculab has been providing deployment proven hardware and software telephony products to the global communications market for over 35 years. Our knowledge and understanding of the telecoms market gained over those 35 years was put to the test when, in 2011, we created … Continue reading Introducing the latest TADSummit partner – Aculab

Building a Car Repair IVR Solution with Restcomm

This week we will present a new Restcomm application example targeting the automotive industry. The fully functional application is available for trial and download. ABCauto is a car repair business and the manager wants a solution that will help him manage customer’s appointments. He has this list of requirements He would like customers to be able to make … Continue reading Building a Car Repair IVR Solution with Restcomm

Hosting RVD External Services in the Cloud

This tutorial covers hosting RVD External Services in the Cloud. Since the introduction of the Restcomm Visual Designer(RVD), a lot of developers have been able to experience first hand an unprecedented productivity in building telephony apps. Restcomm Visual Designer has inspired a number of more complex applications which inevitably require the ability to interact and integrate with third … Continue reading Hosting RVD External Services in the Cloud

TADMeetup Singapore WOW!

We’ve been running TADMeetups in NJ, Paris, and Austin.  They’re informal gatherings of people interested in telecom application development.  The idea for TADMeetup Singapore began when Sam from Informa asked if I’d run a TADMeetup in parallel with LTEAsia. I was already chairing the signaling focus day, the keynotes on Day 1, the 5G Summit, … Continue reading TADMeetup Singapore WOW!

Voxbone Links Telecom Applications and Telephone Networks

Voxbone is delighted to be a sponsor of this year’s prestigious TADSummit. As the market leader in providing virtual local phone numbers (often referred to as DIDs or inbound SIP trunks) to telecommunications application developers, cloud communications providers, and enterprise contact centers, Voxbone is proud to show our commitment to fostering the growth of the … Continue reading Voxbone Links Telecom Applications and Telephone Networks

Work Stream 4 Kick off Discussion, Innovation in Legacy Consumer Telecoms Services

At TADSummit in Istanbul between 12-13th November, there will be six work streams over the two days of the event. These streams will be divided between in-depth case studies and moderated workgroup discussions. These will focus on key opportunities and challenges involved in building the relevant part of the telecom application development ecosystem. This article … Continue reading Work Stream 4 Kick off Discussion, Innovation in Legacy Consumer Telecoms Services

TADSummit Agenda

The TADSummit agenda is packed and unique. Telcos, technology providers and developers from around the world are coming together with a focus on success to build the telecom application development ecosystem. The financial numbers of most telcos show service innovation is no longer a nice ‘marketing sheen’ applied to the same old network investment. Its … Continue reading TADSummit Agenda

Work Stream 1 Kick Off Discussion: Go-to-market for Enterprise Services

Work Stream 1. Kick off discussion on Go-to-market recommendations for Enterprise Services. Led by Mac Taylor. Go-to-market (G2M) remains a critical barrier to service innovation success. Through a series of case studies and facilitated group discussions this work stream will produce a series of recommendations and actions we need to take to solve the go-to-market … Continue reading Work Stream 1 Kick Off Discussion: Go-to-market for Enterprise Services

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