Morning Plenary Day One

After the keynotes, networking and coffee break (with turkish pastries), the morning plenary focused on case studies, demonstrating successful service innovation with joint presentations between technology vendors and their customers (both telcos and enterprises). The objective was to keep the presentations as practice focused as possible to avoid the usual marketing pitches that plague events … Continue reading Morning Plenary Day One

TADSummit Keynotes

TADSummit was a packed and intense gathering of telecom innovators from around the world.  We had to bring in additional chairs, people where standing at the networking tables, and fortunately there were some stairs at the back where people could sit. Close to 200 people over two days listened to ground breaking presentations, rolled-up their sleeves … Continue reading TADSummit Keynotes

Voxbone adds Malaysia, Turkey, and Colombia coverage

TADSummit is in full swing in Istanbul. A great group has gathered here in a city with deep history and a fascinating culture. Alan Quayle, organizer and leader of the TAD Summit and TAD Hack events definitely picks interesting locales for his events! In the past year they have been held in Thailand, Spain, Malaysia, … Continue reading Voxbone adds Malaysia, Turkey, and Colombia coverage

2014 Pre-Conference Survey Results

Below you can see an interim drop of the TADSummit 2014 pre-conference survey results.  The survey ran in the week before TADSummit, gathering opinions from the TADSummit address list (currently 1600). It presents a balanced view across the TAD ecosystem with currently 51 respondents from around the world with a representative mix across developers, telcos … Continue reading 2014 Pre-Conference Survey Results

Introducing Partner is an ambitious nonprofit open source project complementing and supporting the Telecom Application Developers ecosystem by providing a new open standard for interoperable decentralised VoIP and Instant Messaging. We believe users want to use their preferred apps and services to communicate rather than being forced into the myriad different services their contacts happen to … Continue reading Introducing Partner

How to integrate the RestComm iOS Client SDK in your app

RestComm iOS Client allows you to leverage the telecommunication features of RestComm. It offers a simple yet efficient Objective-C API that you can use to add rich communications capabilities to your iOS Apps. With this tutorial we will explore how to integrate the RestComm iOS Client SDK in your app. We will setup a sample … Continue reading How to integrate the RestComm iOS Client SDK in your app

TADHacking for Public Health

The world is facing an unprecedented Ebola virus outbreak, as well as the MERS virus in the Middle East and many other infectious disease related public health risks. Can Telecom Applications Developers contribute to life-saving solutions with API-enabled SMS, IVR and toll-free numbers? Telecom Application Developers may have a unique ability to rapidly interconnect the … Continue reading TADHacking for Public Health

Build Interactive Voice Response Currency Converter App

You love traveling abroad? You are tired of losing money because of exchange rate differences?  Be aware of daily exchange rates and change money with minimal loses with Currency Converter app. It is a simple solution provided by Telestax.  Currency Converter app gives you up-to-date exchange rate information using the power of Restcomm and Yahoo! … Continue reading Build Interactive Voice Response Currency Converter App

Automated Customer Support Call Notification App with zero coding

What if you run a Customer Support business that is open 24/7?  How will staff on standby know when a new customer ticket has been received?  Often, the support agent will either have to constantly check his email in order to ensure he is not missing any vital ticket. Wouldn’t it be even better if … Continue reading Automated Customer Support Call Notification App with zero coding

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