Tag Archives: reach

Podcast 108: Truth in Telecoms: The Czar, TCR, Spam, and Free Speech

Johnny lets loose on this podcast. I’ll try with this article to bring it within a clear and linear progression of thought. Do not invest in memecoins I do not recommend investing in meme-coins, see this example $Hawk memecoin on why it’s a bad idea. Eric owns the majority of $CZAR GOLD, and does not … Continue reading Podcast 108: Truth in Telecoms: The Czar, TCR, Spam, and Free Speech

Robocalling Dream Team: Eric Troutman, Czar of TCPA; and Alex Quilici, CEO YouMail

I’m reviewing both presentations together as they are a knock-out punch for robocalling, plus protecting consumers and small/medium businesses. The chit-chat is both fun and insightful. Their TADSummit sessions were: We’ve had both Eric and Alex on the TADSummit podcast. Between the podcasts and the TADSummit presentations, things are moving fast in the industry. Telephone … Continue reading Robocalling Dream Team: Eric Troutman, Czar of TCPA; and Alex Quilici, CEO YouMail

Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a summary of the CTIA meeting in DC last week. It looks like the US SMS industry has been given a chance to prove they can solve the SMS spam problem, before regulation is imposed. This information is provided from a number of sources who attended the meeting in … Continue reading Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

TADMentor: Advice and Help to Grow your Business

The TADS sponsors and partners have an unmatched wealth of experience in telecom app development and contacts with most of the relevant people / investors around the world. The TADS ecosystem is focused on helping anyone interested in telecom app development. If you are a start-up, business, or individual using telecom capabilities (e.g. APIs, WebRTC, open or … Continue reading TADMentor: Advice and Help to Grow your Business