Tag Archives: freeswitch

Building the SureVoIP App, Gavin Henry

Building the SureVoIP App. Gavin Henry, SureVoIP, Trusted UK VoIP service provider. Founder and MD SureVoIP provide hosted VoIP, SIP trunking, SIP DIDs, PBX support, internet access (broadband and Ethernet), and providing / provisioning the physical phones. There’s a common theme in Gavin’s presentation to what we heard from other similar companies on the importance of … Continue reading Building the SureVoIP App, Gavin Henry

Adventures in Real-Time Communications in the Cloud, Manuel Pombo, GoContact

Adventures in Real-Time Communications in the Cloud, Manuel Pombo, GoContact. This is an excellent introduction to the core issues that lead carriers to have a significant legacy burden, and why change is slow. In Sebastian Schumann’s Serverless opinion, he also covers these points and more. Manuel then gives a masterclass on moving RTC workloads into the cloud. They’ve experienced VMs competing … Continue reading Adventures in Real-Time Communications in the Cloud, Manuel Pombo, GoContact

Programmable Telecoms inside a Telco by Jesus Cruz Manjavacas

Programmable Telecoms inside a Telco, by Jesus Cruz Manjavacas, VAS Development Expert at PLAY. Below are the video and slides, followed by my summary of the presentation. If you have any questions for Jesus ask in the comments or contact him directly. Video and Slides Slideshare is having difficulties today, here’s a direct link to Jesus’s slides. … Continue reading Programmable Telecoms inside a Telco by Jesus Cruz Manjavacas

Open Source Telecom Software Landscape

Open Source Telecom Software Landscape by Alan Quayle, with the support of hundreds of people across Open Source Telecom Software There are tens of successful Open Source Telecom Software projects, with vibrant communities supporting them. Asterisk, the most successful and longest running, is 20 years old. We’ll hear from them at TADSummit Asia. Others include: … Continue reading Open Source Telecom Software Landscape

TADSummit EMEA 2019 19th Nov Afternoon Session

The afternoon of Day One TADSummit EMEA was split in two sessions: one focused on Open Source Telecom Software; and the other focused on Industry Innovation, that is, examining innovation from other industries and and how they apply it to the problems they face. In-between we squeezed in a presentation from David Curran from OpenJaw Technologies … Continue reading TADSummit EMEA 2019 19th Nov Afternoon Session

TADSummit 2019

We have much planned for TADSummit 2019. First off, we’re expanding from 1 event to 3 events. As I describe the agendas you’ll see the benefits of taking this regionalized approach. The confirmed dates are: TADSummit Asia, Kuala Lumpur, 28-29 May TADSummit Americas, Chicago, 15/16 Oct in parallel with the IIT RTC Conference TADSummit EMEA, … Continue reading TADSummit 2019

Telethings: An Open Source Communications Platform as a Service

The TADS agenda is packed, we have several excellent presentations we’ve not been able to include.  So we’re covering them on the TADS weblog.  We kick-off with Telethings from Thomas Quintana.  We’ll be covering many more as the purpose of the TADS weblog to not only to capture all the cool stuff happening at TADS … Continue reading Telethings: An Open Source Communications Platform as a Service