Tag Archives: TADHack Global

TADSummit Asia, hSenid Mobile eCPaaS and Unified Self-Care

On Tuesday 28th May 8AM NYC / 5:30 PM Colombo Sri Lanka we ran a webinar with Roshni Hewamallika and Sandarenu Madan Arachchige of hSenid Mobile. The purpose of this webinar is to provide the TADSummit Asia keynote from hSenid Mobile on Enterprise CPaaS (eCPaaS, Communication Platform as a Service) and their Omni-channel customer engagement platform presentation. Below is the … Continue reading TADSummit Asia, hSenid Mobile eCPaaS and Unified Self-Care

TADSummit 2018: State of the Union

The last session of TADSummit 2018 was a State of the Union presentation, which defined and quantified what is meant by programmable Telecoms. We then moved onto an open discussion, lead by Mark White, on how we can better communication our category to a broader audience. And wrapped up with some dates for your diary … Continue reading TADSummit 2018: State of the Union

TADSummit 2016 Review and 2017 Plans

TADSummit is a unique blend of world-class telecom thought-leadership and deep practical experience in both technology and business. Most of the people attending are actively building or selling the technology and services underlying the democratization of telecoms. Often at ‘professional events’ trite corporately approved marketing messages are shared on why X (e.g. NFV, 5G, IoT, … Continue reading TADSummit 2016 Review and 2017 Plans

TADSummit Truphone Teaser

At TADHack Global in June James Tagg, founder and CTO of Truphone, announced their plan for the Open Source Communications Framework (OSCF) API, see end of this weblog for the keynote presentation. James Tagg will at TADSummit in November put much more flesh around the bones of that announcement in his keynote and throughout TADSummit. It … Continue reading TADSummit Truphone Teaser