All posts by Alan Quayle

Podcast 25: Truth in Telecoms, Moez Kassam Saved Twilio

Podcast Directory Important Links Please add to this FCC Express Comments on how you and your family and business have suffered from robocalling and robotexting. We all have a duty to help the FCC and Congress understand this remains a significant problem in the US. Here is Mike Rudolph, CTO of YouMail’s request to do … Continue reading Podcast 25: Truth in Telecoms, Moez Kassam Saved Twilio

Podcast 23: TADSummit Innovators, Mark Hay, Melrose Labs

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a quick review from Johnny on what’s coming on Friday’s Truth in Telecoms podcast. Yesterday we did a Truth in Telecoms Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent. Bottom-line, what happened to Jeff is wrong. What’s going to happen to Twilio is unacceptable to everyone in the industry. There needs to … Continue reading Podcast 23: TADSummit Innovators, Mark Hay, Melrose Labs

Podcast 22: Truth in Telecoms, Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent!

Podcast Directory Yesterday was a dark day for the programmable communications industry. Jeff Lawson was removed as CEO and not even given the role as chairman. How could the current Twilio board let this happen? This act is both shocking and shameful. The board are the ones that need to be fired. The company he … Continue reading Podcast 22: Truth in Telecoms, Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent!

Podcast 21: Truth in Telecoms, The 250B INR Tata Communications Short

Podcast Directory Best wishes for the New Year to the TADS community and everyone that follows the TADSummit Podcast. Over the holidays’ period so much happened! Johnny’s been studying Tata Communications, they’ve had a massive run up, from 330 INR to 1750 INR. We covered in the TADSummit Innovators interview with UIB who is no … Continue reading Podcast 21: Truth in Telecoms, The 250B INR Tata Communications Short

Podcast 20: TADSummit Innovators, Gerry Christensen, Caller ID Reputation

Podcast Directory Gerry Christensen and I have known each other for about 2 decades, since his Mind Commerce days. He’s supported TADSummit over the years and provides excellent, insightful, and highly relevant presentations: The focus of our discussion was robocalling. We discussed how STIR/SHAKEN was not implemented on the PSTN gateways, only the VoIP gateways … Continue reading Podcast 20: TADSummit Innovators, Gerry Christensen, Caller ID Reputation

Podcast 19: Truth in Telecoms, T-Mobile did What?

This is possibly the last Podcast of 2023, we may squeeze one in next week depending on how people react to this one. It’s very spicy! As you’ll see in the video, Johnny was fired up because of what TMO (T-Mobile) announced last night, see image below, a new set of fines. Timed while many … Continue reading Podcast 19: Truth in Telecoms, T-Mobile did What?

Podcast 18: TADSummit Innovators, Matthew Smith, fieldcloud

Podcast Directory I first met Matthew of fieldcloud at TADSummit this year. He brings a wealth of experience across enterprise IT, SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition), and telecoms. He’s a great and vocal representative of all the industrial applications running on CPaaSAI, and provides a breadth of fresh air on private 5G telecom echo … Continue reading Podcast 18: TADSummit Innovators, Matthew Smith, fieldcloud

Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

Johnny introduces why these predictions matter and are worth your time. He also gives a preview of the next Truth in Telecoms planned for Monday 18th Dec. Lots of activity from the FCC further stifling legal A2P SMS, Twilio’s arming up to fight the activist investors, and lots more.. I don’t normally do predictions as … Continue reading Podcast 17: Truth in Telecoms, Top 10 Predictions for Cloud Communications in 2024 from Commio

Podcast 16: TADSummit Innovators, Paul Walsh, MetaCert

Podcast Directory This is a critically important TADSummit Innovators podcast for our industry. Paul Walsh of MetaCert brings zero trust to SMS, finally enabling phishing over SMS to be solved. We’re going to have Paul back for the Truth in Telecoms podcast in the New Year. I’ve written about MetaCert over the years, check out … Continue reading Podcast 16: TADSummit Innovators, Paul Walsh, MetaCert