Tag Archives: fcc

Podcast 106: Truth in Telecoms, Bill Peters has Settled, Game On!

Johnny kicks off the podcast with his, “I LOVE MEF” hat, and his “KISS MY tyntec” sweatshirt. His claim is The Czar (Eric Troutman) and #GMoney (Robert Gerstmann) have said he can be the new CEO of MEF, which will be sited in Greenland. That made me laugh. Johnny also gave props to Eddie DeCurtis, … Continue reading Podcast 106: Truth in Telecoms, Bill Peters has Settled, Game On!

Podcast 101: TADSummit Innovators, Jeremy Turner, Aaron Birnbaum, Bohdan Hopanchuk

Thank you Bohdan for bringing everyone together. The new people on this podcast are Jeremy Turner from TacitRed, and Aaron Birnbaum (TRaViS). They both provide external attack surface management, and bring extensive experience across cyber security and even telecoms. Aaron and I have MCI and BT in common, as they did a joint venture many … Continue reading Podcast 101: TADSummit Innovators, Jeremy Turner, Aaron Birnbaum, Bohdan Hopanchuk

MEF: A case study in one lie leads to another 

I’ve discovered Dario Betti is sending private emails to TADSummit and TADHack sponsors, and others that like my posts. Claiming I am lying about the MEF. Everything I’ve posted is backed by public documents and corroborated by leading experts. It’s all public and verified / corroborated, it’s the truth, unlike Dario’s private email. For example … Continue reading MEF: A case study in one lie leads to another 

Realizing the Benefits of Business Identity for Optimal Consumer Contact. Gerry Christensen, Caller ID Reputation

Caller ID Reputation provides visibility into how an enterprise’s calls are received by its customers. That is normal, flagged (e.g. scam likely) and blocked. These labels are consumer protection related. About 33% of a businesses calls are impacted by adverse labeling from the analytics engines (AE). There is also the flip side of spoofing and … Continue reading Realizing the Benefits of Business Identity for Optimal Consumer Contact. Gerry Christensen, Caller ID Reputation

Robocalling Dream Team: Eric Troutman, Czar of TCPA; and Alex Quilici, CEO YouMail

I’m reviewing both presentations together as they are a knock-out punch for robocalling, plus protecting consumers and small/medium businesses. The chit-chat is both fun and insightful. Their TADSummit sessions were: We’ve had both Eric and Alex on the TADSummit podcast. Between the podcasts and the TADSummit presentations, things are moving fast in the industry. Telephone … Continue reading Robocalling Dream Team: Eric Troutman, Czar of TCPA; and Alex Quilici, CEO YouMail

Please Register for TADSummit 2024

A big thank you to Strolid and TSG Global for sponsoring TADSummit. They understand the importance of focusing on the reality of today’s diverse markets. I’m grateful to all the presenters, they know programmable communications can step up to the current challenges using their innovations.  Robert Vis, Bird, recently described what is happening in A2P SMS as EOL (End of Life) … Continue reading Please Register for TADSummit 2024

Podcast 69: Truth in Telecoms. Non-GAAP = Not Real.

Podcast Directory Johnny’s got another buyer for Tyntec, let’s see this time 😉 He then jumped onto how Tata Communications had their underwear pulled over their collective heads in the Kaleyra deal. Without contracts from the carriers there is no TCR (The Campaign Registry) business, and to get those contracts today requires collusion. Compound that … Continue reading Podcast 69: Truth in Telecoms. Non-GAAP = Not Real.

Podcast 65: TADSummit Innovators, Noah Rafalko, TNID Part 2

Podcast Directory This podcast breaks down how TNID works, how it helps everyone in the ecosystem, and its path to adoption. Preview (8 minutes) Deep Dive This is a long podcast, I’ve divided it into an 8 minute preview of some of Noah’s ‘best bits’, and the 1h15 deep dive. Noah described his journey from … Continue reading Podcast 65: TADSummit Innovators, Noah Rafalko, TNID Part 2

Podcast 63: TADSummit Innovators, Eric J Troutman, The Czar of TCPAWorld

Podcast Directory Eric is a partner at Troutman Amin LLC, Czar of TCPAWorld.com, President of ‘Responsible Enterprises Against Consumer Harassment’ (R.E.A.C.H), and one of the country’s prominent class action defense lawyers. Ever since Eric reviewed an FCC filing by Latham Watkins in response to a Rick Joyce filing, we’ve been fans. This was an excellent … Continue reading Podcast 63: TADSummit Innovators, Eric J Troutman, The Czar of TCPAWorld

Podcast 48: Truth in Telecoms, tyntec Frenzy

Podcast Directory Johnny’s Linkedin post about Tyntec ensured April started with a bang. For over one decade, and since the beginning of the TADSummit Podcast, Johnny’s been trying to sell Tyntec. The document below shows Twilio and tyntec have entered into a partnership. In this podcast you’ll see Johnny is in a party mood, stirring … Continue reading Podcast 48: Truth in Telecoms, tyntec Frenzy