Tag Archives: tadhack

MEF: A case study in one lie leads to another 

I’ve discovered Dario Betti is sending private emails to TADSummit and TADHack sponsors, and others that like my posts. Claiming I am lying about the MEF. Everything I’ve posted is backed by public documents and corroborated by leading experts. It’s all public and verified / corroborated, it’s the truth, unlike Dario’s private email. For example … Continue reading MEF: A case study in one lie leads to another 

TADSummit’s Insights Part 2: Innovators

This article shares some of the important and unique insights generated through TADSummit 2024. Insights you’ll not read anywhere else, on where telecom innovation is going. We achieved over 65k views of the TADSummit 2024 presentations so far. An amazing result that demonstrates the interest TADSummit generates because of our focus is truth and integrity, … Continue reading TADSummit’s Insights Part 2: Innovators

TADSummit and TADHack’s Secret Sauce: Truth and Integrity.

This article focuses on TADSummit and TADHack’s secret sauce, honesty and integrity, and why it should matter to everyone in the industry. Part 2 will focus on all the unique and world class insights shared at TADSummit 2024. The beginning TADSummit began in 2013, bringing together innovators in programmable telecoms. We recently had Raj Sunder founder and CEO … Continue reading TADSummit and TADHack’s Secret Sauce: Truth and Integrity.

Keynote: Why TNID Matters Noah Rafalko, Founder CEO TSG Global

TSG Global were the sponsors of TADHack Global 2024. Check out this video of the TNID winners, and all the TADHack pitch videos can be viewed here. They are also the sponsors of TADSummit. Identity is the root of many problems we see today, as well as many of the potential solutions. Noah received a … Continue reading Keynote: Why TNID Matters Noah Rafalko, Founder CEO TSG Global

Unified compliance for human and AI agents with Call Score. Surbhi Rathore, CEO & Co-Founder, Symbl.ai

Surbhi Rathore has been a sponsor of TADHack and TADSummit over the years. Symbl.ai has been leading the real-time AI category since the beginning, since 2018. For the passed 5.5 years Symbl helps businesses understand multimodal interactions at scale to grow revenues and improve operations, across voice calls, videos calls, and messaging. Some of Symbl’s … Continue reading Unified compliance for human and AI agents with Call Score. Surbhi Rathore, CEO & Co-Founder, Symbl.ai

Voxist’s Real Time Enterprise AI, Karel Bourgois, Founder & CEO Voxist

Karel Bourgois has been part of TADSummit and TADHack since the beginning. He was the first of us to point out the transformer model had changed the rules in AI. His presentation covers the latest in Voxist, but provides an excellent timeline on the development of AI. He begins with some McKinsey material. This year … Continue reading Voxist’s Real Time Enterprise AI, Karel Bourgois, Founder & CEO Voxist

Wootag’s Journey. Raj Sunder, Founder and CEO Wootag

I’ve known Raj Sunder since Bakrie Telecom, where he ran Value Added Services. He was also a presenter at the first TADSummit in 2013, sharing Bakrie Telecom case studies on bringing the internet’s model of freemium to telecoms. It seemed appropriate to kick off with Raj, and see what he’s been upto in the intervening … Continue reading Wootag’s Journey. Raj Sunder, Founder and CEO Wootag

Using speech-to-speech models in conversational chatbots. Rob Pickering.

Rob is a TADSummit and TADHack regular. He provides in my opinion a critical litmus test on whether a new communications technology has potential, the issues to consider, and whether its ready. At the end of this post I include the pitch Rob gave for his hack RTCEmergency at the first TADHack in 2014. Time … Continue reading Using speech-to-speech models in conversational chatbots. Rob Pickering.

How Drachtio and Jambonz are changing the World of Programmable Telecoms. Dave Horton

Dave Horton is the creator of jambonz, the open source voice gateway for CX/AI; and drachtio.org, the open source framework for SIP Server applications. This is an interesting presentation as Dave pivots from the usual platform / technology focus to a business focus. Dave frames what jambonz will become: like Intel, Gore Tex, Vibram and … Continue reading How Drachtio and Jambonz are changing the World of Programmable Telecoms. Dave Horton

Programmable Global Carrier Digital Services, Sebastian Schumann, Deutsche Telekom

Sebastian has been part of TADHack and TADSummit since almost the beginning. Here is Sebastian’s hack from TADHack 2024, Global Carrier vCon extension. We kick off Sebastian’s session with Thomas paying respect for what he built, in demonstrating how easy vCon can be integrated with a carrier’s wholesale CPaaS. You’ll hear reference to TelecomsXChange and … Continue reading Programmable Global Carrier Digital Services, Sebastian Schumann, Deutsche Telekom